View Full Version : ***We Are Not In Big Trouble***

02-19-2008, 02:54 PM
Sorry, I just had to start another thread. People who expect change to occur overnight or who think that the majority of people who have been subjected to decades of brainwashing are going to automatically see "The Truth" are deluded.
Does that mean that our cause (not just the election of Ron Paul in 2008) is hopeless? No. No. Nooooo!!!

It means we have to work: Not just sit around and whine. Not just donate to money bombs. Not just sit around and hope. Not just preach to the choir, post hysterical YouTube videos, and send email to each other.

We all went through a phase where we hoped that Ron Paul's message would catch fire in the hearts of our fellow Americans like it did in ours and sweep over the nation and sweep him into office. Then all of our troubles would be over, right?

Of course not. We would still have a tremendous amount of work to do. So now we are realizing that we have to start earlier and wait longer than we wanted to see the fruits of our labors. And some of us, faced with the prospect of actually having to get up off our sorry butts and doing something uncomfortable are giving up. Well, Boo Hoo.

Did you think this revolution stuff was a joke? Did you really think we were going to cakewalk into the White House? Did you think we were not going to have to face our own Valley Forge?

So if we have some challenges, what are the solutions? What kind of work should we be doing? I'm glad you asked.
Watch this video and think about what this guy is saying:


Now go to this website and read the Creed of Freedom:


Now, if you disagree with anything there would you please start a discussion about what you think is wrong or could be improved?
If you agree with what you see, hear, and read would you please also make a comment and spread the word. (And please make a comment too.)

The bottom line is this, there IS a way to win this revolution. But we need to be looking into and promoting longterm solutions/strategies/organizations and stop getting lost in all the little crap.