View Full Version : Limited thinking and the future

02-17-2008, 12:25 AM
I often ponder the state of affairs on this planet. It has caused me to come undone in so many ways.

I went from being totally ignorant - Pre/9-11, to becoming aware of the intricacies that play out on a daily basis and why.

At first it scared the crap out of me, the notion that maybe our govt not only allowed, but quite possibly planned the 9-11 attacks was one of the biggest eye openers i've ever had.

I spent the last 7 years of my life not only becoming enlightened about political affairs, but also religious affairs and the history behind so many things. I also delved into my own spirituality and answered many questions i had in that arena as well.

All of this searching for truth and justice has led me to a conclusion and if you care to do some research you may or may not come to the same conclusion.

Reality is a manifestation of our combined thoughts and beliefs. Everything we are experiencing as an individual, nation, and world is being made manifest because of those ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that we hold so dear to our hearts.

I actually hold the belief that everything happening on a global scale is meant to happen.

Take again for example, 9-11. How many people had awakenings because of that moment in time. How many people were humbled so completely that they took the time to ask "why" and allowed themselves to find answers.

How many people in the middle east are waking up to the fact that maybe they shouldn't behead gays and make women wear burkas. How long have Iranians HATED americans? How long have they been manifesting the evil devil that is the US? How many generations have they been brainwashing their children into thinking that americans and american culture is pure evil? How many americans were able to continue to live the lives they live because we invaded IRAQ right as they were switching over to euros to trade oil? How many americans were able to keep living their lives day to day because we cut the internet cables and didn't allow the iranians to switch over to euros when trading oil?

We live in the greatest country on this planet. Bar none, there is no equal. On a day to day basis we can go about our business and never be hassled by anyone for anything. We have great jobs, great housing, great amenities, great everything. Everything is here for the taking. It's still possible to start a business and become a billionaire through hard work and with the right ideas.

You can sit there and scream like a little baby that they are taking away our rights and liberties and we are no longer free, but i am just as free as the day i was born and GOD DAMNIT I will be free till the day i die and nothing will change that. Not a single thing has proven to me otherwise in the 32 years that I have been alive.

Don't we want this for other countries?

I recently visited mexico. I was appalled at the living conditions. So, I ask myself, because the people there want better jobs and better conditions.. WHO AM I TO OPPOSE SOMETHING THAT WILL help people in another country just because I've been sheepishly herded up by fear mongerers and told that it was a bad idea to unite North America.

After being in mexico and meeting the people there, I have no doubt that they deserve better. And if the NAU can give them better, I am all for it.

Do I like the blatant Lying and manipulation that comes from our media and govt. HELL NO. I don't like it one bit.

But on the other hand, I realize that sometimes paranoid masses need to be misled in order to quell the drama that they might engage in otherwise.

And lastly, I know I'm jumping around, but I just have to say this so i don't get labled as a shill or whatever.. I don't agree with war and I also don't agree with the FDA or DEA and i would destroy the pharmaceutical industry in a second if I could.... But for the most part, I understand why all those entities exist. Because for far too long people have gone along with status quo without asking questions or doing their own research. And because of this, we have some entities in our govt that for a time have been answering to noone. but that is changing because of ron paul and others.

Everything does happen for a reason. People all over the world are becoming enlightened through all of this aggression and lying and manipulation...

I guess what I'm saying is that I don't know who's right and who's wrong. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't even care anymore. I don't want my thoughts to contribute to the madness. I don't want my thoughts to help manifest any of this fear based nonsense. I'm not going to sit around and complain and bicker, but rather I am going to be a good force in this world by not being a burden to others and by living with the smallest footprint i can.

Tis all i can do. I could go around and scare people and tell them that this and that is horrible and everyone is going to die if we don't right the ship or I can smile and lend a hand and be loving and nurturing and bring everyone else around me a little closer to home. Home being love and the absence of fear.

Do you get what I'm saying? Fear mongering only leads to more fear mongering and more situations in which our greatest fears might be realized.

Absence of fear brings us closer to evolution. It brings us together. It makes us help one another and not be separate because of party lines or religion or race or status or whatever...

You ron paul folks have such potential. If you would just stop thinking the world was going to end every five seconds you might be able to actually affect some positive change.

02-17-2008, 08:04 AM
The corrupt Mexican government spends less than Haiti does on the education of its people.

I think it is the Mexican people's responsibility to improve their country's conditions. Just like I feel it is my responsibility to try to affect positive change in the USA.

And that includes working against the establishment of the NAU.