View Full Version : Texasronpaulnewspaper.com

02-16-2008, 08:39 PM
Please help support the Texas Edition of the Ron Paul Newspaper!

We have days to raise the money to get this thing to print!

With $8,000, Crystal can publish 100,000 copies for Texas distribution.
The ultimate goal is 500,000 copies.

http://www.texasronpaulnewspaper.com/images/stories/trpn468.jpg (http://www.texasronpaulnewspaper.com)

www.TexasRonPaulNewspaper.com (http://www.texasronpaulnewspaper.com)

Let's whip the funding together like only the R3VOLution can! :)

All Seeing Eye
02-18-2008, 06:14 PM
Read all about it!

fever pitch
02-20-2008, 10:27 AM
I donated $25 last night. I don't know why more people aren't jumping on this. Of all the grassroots projects out there, this to me sounds like one of the best. Far more effective than, say, a sticker on the side of a race car. The newsletter seems like it would have a much better return on investment. You're actually getting the issues in front of people, not just Ron Paul's name. AND they're all people whose state's primary/caucus hasn't happened yet.

I think the deadline needs to be extended. Only at $850 with 8 hours left, that's horrible.

02-20-2008, 10:41 AM
I donated $40.00. Sure wish I could get a copy of it. It is sooo expensive.

03-13-2008, 05:58 PM
Well guys, we can now print short runs of 8,000 copies for ONLY $895.00 This is super cheap! Let me know if I can help...I'll do somewhat custom copies for states/counties/cities whatever. Let me know.

The message still needs to be heard.

Crystal Broyles
Creator & Editor of The Ron Paul Newspaper