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02-15-2008, 10:44 PM
"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."

"Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."

"Victory belongs to the most persevering."

-Napoleon Bonaparte

"You can have anything you want - if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, have anything you desire, accomplish anything you set out to accomplish - if you will hold to that desire with singleness of purpose."

-Robert E Lee

"Al Gore has a hit movie called 'An Inconvenient Truth.' I have an inconvenient truth for him: you're still not the president.

-Stephen Colbert

Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.

Every generation needs a new revolution.

-Thomas Jefferson

When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.

Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.


-Ron Paul

02-15-2008, 10:52 PM
"Every generation needs a new revolution.

-Thomas Jefferson


02-15-2008, 11:07 PM
When the thirteen colonies were still a part of England, Professor Alexander Tyler wrote about the fall of the Athenian republic over two thousand years previous to that time:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.

Alexander Tyler