View Full Version : Changing tactics

02-15-2008, 08:42 AM
A lot of the reason for low morale among the RP supporters has more to do with learning the reality of the system we are living under than disenchantment with Ron Paul. Most really felt that the system worked if we played by the rules, campaigned, canvassed, etc. It has been a big blow to a lot of people to see the face of the beast, the reality of the rigged system. This is how it always has been, however. Friedrich Hayek wrote years ago in "The Road to Serfdom" that the worst always rise to the top. That is, only the most ruthless evil people will stop at nothing to achieve power; good men realize that having power is not worth sacrificing their principles. The evil will say and do anything to achieve it. The only thing that can fight this is a mass movement, a sheer multitude rising up to make the evil scurry back under rocks waiting for more amenable times.
All that being said, all is certainly not lost. All that is needed is education. The conservatives in this country have been stuck by the socialist MSM with a socialist candidate who is so flawed and unbalanced that he will be easy for the ultrasocialist "Democratic" candidate to destroy. Huckabee will probably endorse McWar leaving RP the only alternative for right thinking people. I plan to continue canvassing, educating, and to put more signs in my yard to show the MSM up for the liars they are. The MSM must be irrelevant to the campaign, the truth does not depend on them. They are the enemy. Volunteers buying and controlling MSM ads are a good thing but one on one education is even more important. There is a lot of confusion even on this forum about socialism, libertarianism, etc. People have been dumbed down, we need to educate with love. We need to show people how liberty is the only way to really help people, that socialisms end goal is the destruction of the individual in favor of an easily managed herd, a herd controlled by self appointed elites.
A return to truly grassroots campaigning, even against long odds, is the best bet. It will be hard for the MSM to fight, cheaper, and it will outlive Ron Paul. It is something we can control and have ready to take advantage of opportunities. Not only that, if things get really bad we will have a network of support amongst ourselves.
We are up against about 200 years of gradually tightening statism. The reality is that the Constitution itself was a coup, the Founders locked the doors, shut out the press and created a new central government when they were only charged with working out some details of the Articles of Confederation. This has paved the way for power seekers to loot and kill ever since. The progressives, the Fabian socialists have recognized the value of incrementalism, slowly achieving control and corrupting through small steps. We need to also view the big picture and look toward longterm goals.

02-15-2008, 08:50 AM
Nicely stated!

02-15-2008, 09:00 AM
If you have not done so please watch this video (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6015291679758430958).

It has much good information as to what tactics we need to be using.

02-15-2008, 09:00 AM
i think being a little down and disappointed, but to be down to the point of giving up is a big mistake imo. i mean think about it. the neo-cons didn’t take over in a day and this movement won’t take back over in a day. if not even sure how long this movement has even been going on, but its getting out there more than even during this election. Think about it. the system is set up by the people who are in power. they have changed the rules to suit and protect them. its going to take some time and hard work, but it can be done. we have verifiable proof that this movement is making change in certain areas. If it work in some areas it can work in others. i can only imagine how tires and drained those of you are who have been fighting this fight for years. all I can do is beg of you not to give and and promise, reinforcements are on the way.

09-08-2008, 05:25 PM
Well done!