View Full Version : Yepsen at the Des Moines Register keep an eye on this fool

08-13-2007, 03:34 PM
This is something to think about for the caucus. We need to monitor this fool. If you don't know him he is the guy thaat asked three rounds of questions at the debate and never involved Ron Paul. He is also the Des Moines Register political analyst.

written by Yepsen

"The odd person out in the discussion Sunday was Rep. Ron Paul of Texas. His attacks on the war in Iraq and GOP neoconservatives are articulate and have attracted a vocal following. But they sound like something from the Democratic campaign. Polls in Iowa show him getting only about 2 percent of the votes of GOP activists, and one is left wondering why the man is still a Republican."


"YEPSEN: Governor Huckabee, Senator Grassley helped fashion a compromise plan to cover 3.2 million more children by raising the cigarette tax -- poor children. President Bush has threatened to veto. Who do you side with, President Bush or Senator Grassley?"

Dr. Paul was never involved

YEPSEN: Mayor Giuliani, how do you answer -- in Minnesota, Governor Pawlenty, who vetoed an increase in his state gas tax said now he may consider one. Is this Republican dogma against taxes now precluding the ability of you and your party to come up with the revenues that the country needs to fix its bridges?

Dr. Paul was never involved

(APPLAUSE) Mr. Yepsen has a question.

YEPSEN: Governor Huckabee, this issue of tax policy, I see it as a real fault line inside your party -- fair tax, national sales tax, a flat tax, or make adjustments to the existing tax system.

Dr. Paul was never involved

08-13-2007, 03:35 PM
Also I saw him interviewed on some shows before the debate and he dismissed Ron Paul.

08-13-2007, 03:41 PM
The Iowa GOP can't stand Dr. Paul for not following the party line and Yepsen does not want to upset them. Who knows, they might give him a job some day.

Iowa will have to be won online and through the grassroots/meetups - BUT, there should be polite letters to the editor regarding Yepsen's bias - particularly with the Des Moines register if he discredits RP in any way.

08-13-2007, 03:42 PM
Was this the guy who was on C-Span at the beginning on saturday? That guy was a TOOL.

08-13-2007, 03:44 PM
Yeah I think Yepsen is one of the pundits a lot of folks out there listen to. It's going to be full-on grassroots that win Iowa.