View Full Version : The Objective has not changed. You need to get Votes.

02-12-2008, 10:41 AM
While some things may have adjusted a bit in recent days, the benefit of amassing and coalescing votes has not.

In the three states today and the large ones on March 4th, votes matter.

Your votes belong with your heart and your candidate. No One Else.

The idea of a brokered convention is somewhere between slim and none.

Your campaign is still placed to make a difference. That means every vote for Dr. Paul that may be available, is necessary.

Bottom line, the field folks are more important now than ever. If you're not one... be one.

Be at the polls, outside the stipulated boundaries... and ask voters for their vote.

There is no need, and it is generally not preferred, to get into theoretical policy debates or hot button issue stands.

This is the time to show up, and act like you would want someone to act, if you were about to transfer something very important to them: The vote.

It's one of those nice realities, that there are people who on election day, do care that someone took the time to respect and ask for their vote. It's the close.

Dignified, Respectful and Caring is the message you're sending. Votes is what you want.

Just get out and help. If there is a Precinct organization in place, they'll love to have you. If not. You're it.


For brevity purposes, I'm assuming the Pro-Paul vote is focused and you're trying to swing the anti McCain vote.

The strategy there is to coalesce it. And Mr. Huckybee is more of the same. The media won't see a few more Hucky votes as a problem. They have the ' it's just the evangelicals' marginalization at the ready.

Where folks vying for power start to get nervous, is if an outsider can amass 12% of the popular vote. 16% is starting to be real trouble. That's close to the swing.

Naturally those numbers would be in a general, so primary numbers need to be higher since they are within the party.

At this time the only strategy is to get votes. It's all that really matters.