View Full Version : _______Already Voted? You Can Still Help Ron Paul Win

02-11-2008, 06:34 PM
Just read about a thing on our precinct leader pages that gives us texas phone numbers to call and get info on.

Its really cool, it has drop down menus and buttons to click for their responses so the campaign people in texas know about them. Awesome :D


We’ve added a new function to our Precinct Leaders page — now Precinct Leaders in states that have already voted can get the names and phone numbers of undecided voters in other states with upcoming primaries and caucuses. Call ‘em up, be friendly and persuasive, and win their votes for Ron Paul.

Meanwhile, it’s not too late to sign up as a Precinct Leader for the first time even if you live in a state that has already voted. Not only will canvassing your neighborhood and identifying voters help future Ron Paul Republicans win in your area, but the experience you get from canvassing will make you a leader in any political activities you undertake in the future. Few enough Americans are even registered to vote, and far fewer participate in primaries or caucuses. Only the most dedicated citizens of all, at the apex of the activist pyramid, take an active, leadership role in campaigns, getting out the vote and winning their precincts. Ron Paul wants his supporters to become the most skilled local activists and organizers in the Republican Party — so we can take back the party and win back our liberties.

02-11-2008, 07:08 PM
im bumping cause its a awesome tool, use it!