View Full Version : Let's create a YouTube Video That will destroy McCain

02-11-2008, 05:08 PM
Hello Everyone,

We should not underestimate the power of YouTube videos. So let's make a video which exposes the evil of John McCain. I don't really have any experience at this but I know a lot of you do. List what ever material you think will help to expose McCain as the evil person he is. Here are some points and ideas that I think should be included in the video: (Remember I am still learning about the evils of John McCain myself. So there is a lot of information that I do not know.)

1. McCain is in favor of continuing the War In Iraq for 100 more years if necessary
2. McCain is fighting for Amnesty. He wants all the Illegals to get citizenship!!! He and Ted Kennedy proposed legislation for this 2.5 years ago or so
3. He has proposed legislation to improve health care for MEXICANS!!! Why should American's who are broke have to pay for Mexicans who are in Mexico!!! http://opensourceactivist.org/content/legislation/S1033/text.php#sec1004
4. He collaborated with the enemy while a POW in Vietnam and gave away information that he should not of. Then recently he has the nerve to embrace the enemy Vietnamese torturers as friends and then he cancels the effort to find missing in action American's G.I.'s at the disgust of American families.
5. John McCains father played a key role in covering up the USS Liberty Attack which killed 34 and wounded 172 American's in 1967 off the coast of Israel.
6. McCain singing Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran song
7. Video of John McCain losing his cool plus what ever else you can think of.

I am sure there is a lot more dirt on McCain. Please list it in the thread. Good luck to the person who creates the necessary video. McCain, due to his treasonous past, can not be allowed to receive the GOP nomination.

Edit: I just found this video which covers a lot of the material. This video needs to go viral now. (I still think we can improve on this great video.)

John McCain... Electable?

Edit #2
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

02-11-2008, 06:33 PM
More useful info below:


02-11-2008, 09:43 PM
I just found this video which covers a lot of the material. This video needs to go viral now. (I still think we can improve on this great video.)

John McCain... Electable?

02-11-2008, 09:49 PM
This idea is useless.

Who are McCain's supporters? Mostly old people who have never heard of youtube.

If you want to upset McCain, go get more votes to the upcoming primaries. Help out in calling or canvassing those states.

02-11-2008, 10:02 PM
This idea is useless.

Who are McCain's supporters? Mostly old people who have never heard of youtube.

If you want to upset McCain, go get more votes to the upcoming primaries. Help out in calling or canvassing those states.

True, but some supporters are young and do use Youtube...plus you can always ask them to show the Youtube video to Grandma and Grandpa

02-11-2008, 10:04 PM
This idea is useless.

Who are McCain's supporters? Mostly old people who have never heard of youtube.

If you want to upset McCain, go get more votes to the upcoming primaries. Help out in calling or canvassing those states.

A certain percentage of people will be influenced by the video. Plus Ron Paul supporters can always show it to their stubborn family members, if they happen to be McCain supporters. It is never useless to have a video handy which tears John McCain's credibility to pieces.

02-11-2008, 10:21 PM
Here is another good video exposing McCain to be the traitor that he is.

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain