View Full Version : Help Keep the Revolution Going and Growing!

02-11-2008, 05:02 PM
A few of us over at Ron Paul Radio chat room have put together a petition to send to Ron Paul (http://www.leadusron.com/) to help give some direction and focus to the Revolution so that we don’t become fragmented.
This is probably not the perfect way to do it, but it certainly can’t hurt to go ahead and add your name to the list so that we can in a unified voice ask Dr. Paul for some advice.

Below is the Text of our petition:

This has been a wild year for Liberty-lovers!
Ron Paul has finally sung the song of Independence that our hearts have been crying for. Passionate fires for Freedom are raging in us and they will not be quenched! We won't allow the flames to fizzle!This does not end with <em>"You Decide 2008."</em> No! We decide ALL THE TIME!Dr. Ron Paul has been instrumental in bringing us together. Our bond is tight… for we are constrained by the Constitution of the United States of America. And we shall NOT be swept aside! We must not fall away! We must continue the fight!Our ultimate goal is to alter America… to bring her back to the principles that first made her great. Our immediate goal is to form an organization of Liberty-lovers… a body of believers… who will not stop spreading the message that Dr. Paul has won us with! We will be a network of Constitutional Freedom-Fighters… immunizing the masses with Dr. Paul's cure for apathy. We will be a refuge for the politically homeless. And we will hold one another accountable to persevere and to not fall away when we are discouraged!

Our hope is that Dr. Paul will agree to be our organization's advisor, our mentor. He has dedicated his life to fighting for our freedom. He has done more than his share and we will support him in every endeavor he ever undertakes, but we appeal to him and to his wisdom. If it is not presently in his best interest or ability to advise us, then we seek his recommendation for a suitable advisor. We beg him to offer to us an example of someone he is confident will carry his torch in an aggressive and honorable manner.

The intensity of this new revolution can not stop with Dr. Paul. It is not Ron Paul's revolution, but the revolution of the American people! It must grow strong and clutch converts from their discontent… There IS another way. We've been fortunate to have been taught this way and to have embraced it. We would be selfish to keep it to ourselves and poor stewards to let it die.

Please click the Banner below and add your voice to ours.
Thank You
http://www.leadusron.com/images/lur_banner1.jpg (http://www.leadusron.com)