View Full Version : Letter to the RNC...

02-11-2008, 09:15 AM
Please revert to our Platform and Principles of True Conservatism

Dear Mr. Duncan and the GOP Leadership,

As a registered republican since 1984, I am disappointed with the state of the national Party. All I have heard during this election cycle was REAGAN, REAGAN, REAGAN, but all we are left with is McCain and Huckabee? I’m sorry but they do not follow Conservative Tradition.

I have voted for President Bush twice because he sounded like the 1980 Ronald Reagan but now find it difficult to trust the Republican “Reagan Brand”. Over the past 25 years, the GOP talking heads have just sounded off on “the Liberal agenda” as an election strategy rather than focusing on our core principles. That policy has worn thin and we have painted a picture of mistrust to the American People that they will not soon forget.

I am also deeply concerned with the total disrespect towards Congressman Ron Paul in this election process. Am I missing something? To me, Dr. Paul embodied true Conservativism and Constitutional Principles throughout his career. He is one of the few honest Politicians that could have restored the trust of the American People.

Where I think the party missed out was garnishing the excitement generated from his campaign. Ron Paul energized me to become active within the Republican party along with a large number of young and independent voters. Hello!?! That was your future voter base! Just think of the opportunity LOST by not welcoming all of these potentially new and energetic GOP supporters and donors. Just think of the financial base that they would have become if the leadership would have made a real effort to embrace these supporters instead of alienating them.

Dr. Paul has proved that people will pay for the idea of Liberty to someone who follows his word! Look at the money Paul raise while preaching a true GOP Message with virtually no media coverage and lobbyist support! These new found supporters were Active Military, College Students, Independents, disgruntled voters, Pastors, Senior Citizens, Traditional Conservatives and even some Liberals. That is the POWER of the GOP message with the right MESSENGER!
Who chooses the Messenger for the GOP Banner? Is it the Liberal or Corporate media, the Party Loyalist or the Lobbyist?

I’m sure you are probably aware of the Louisiana Caucus, so I will save you the expense of my experience. Getting involved in the LAGOP event opened my eyes to Party Loyalty at its best. To me that’s the biggest problem with the party. The attitude of “Let’s stick together”, rather than “Let’s stick to our party PLATFORM”! Sure the party knows how to unify, but at what cost?

I am writing my honest thoughts to you for the purpose to make the Republican Party better. I may not be “Right” or even valid, but I probably represent the feelings of many. I hope you can appreciate this email and its intent. We have a large number of Paul supporters who are looking for a place to be. The vast majority of Paul supporters are not registered Republicans but I think they would follow him anywhere. This could have been a Golden opportunity to ignite a shrinking party.

I am of the opinion that McCain or Huckabee will not have a chance against Hillary or Obama, but I could be wrong. I just don’t see the GOP swaying any votes with those carrots.

I ask that the party truly embrace the Constitution as it’s guiding document. I request that the party seriously consider a radical change back to its core principles and platform. I whole heartedly urge the national party to make a drastic shift towards another Messenger in Congressman Ron Paul.

Yours truly,


I urge others to do the same....


02-11-2008, 09:18 AM
they probably won't read it...but good effort though

02-11-2008, 10:25 AM
they probably won't read it...but good effort though

I've seen an email about a split in the higher ups at the RNC....

It may be worth it to send our opinions in...