View Full Version : Don't Want To Be A Part Of "Your" Future

02-09-2008, 11:04 PM
I don't know what to say anymore....

In the good old USA, we used to have one guy working, who could support a wife and entire family......now both parents have to work, despite GAINS IN PRODUCTIVITY, and we are WORSE OFF! We are more efficient, and yet we get so much less for what we the working people of America produce!! (Or is that because we produce nothing and are just paper pushers these days?)

They ship your jobs to Mexico and China....and the jobs Americans used to do, like building houses....all I see are Mexicans building them! You have become lazy America!

You let them bring in the illegals and do nothing....you let them steal your jobs and you do nothing....you let them rob your pensions which you have worked your entire life for.....and still you do nothing! You do silly little things like vote for Hillary or McCain! The same people who have been doing this to you are the ones you continue and continue and continue to choose!

I am frightened because YOU, the American people, continue to choose this. You decide, that just because Ron Paul's poll numbers are low, you want to vote for a winner. Well, let me tell you scum, if you pick someone because they are a winner, you are nothing more than a pathetic, weak loser! I am so angry because this country is going down, and I have to be in it with you!

If only I could live in a parallel world, one where I could live in the world based on who I picked for President, a world not dominated by corporate scum and socialist government thugs, but a world of freedom, a world where people of knowledge and courage vote with all their heart!

I don't want to be in bondage with the rest of you, but perhaps I'm just here to wake the rest of America up! You've had so much taken away from you over the last 50 to 100 years, what is it going to take before you are actually willing to save this country? Ron Paul is THE ONLY answer and those who share his philosophy.

I cannot believe this country is SO STUPID! I grew up believing this country was GREAT! Now I know it is nothing but a LIE! Because you people won't stand up for your freedom. I hope you like what you get, when you elect Hillary into office, and you die knowing you could have done something...anything...to keep this from happening.

I'm absolutely appalled that so few people have voted for Paul, and even more disgusted with those who flew the coop to vote for McCain or Huckabee, or those who are in the back rooms committing voter fraud. You are disgusting! I want a world without you! I want America the great, the free, the America I grew up believing in, back!

But it appears I'm going into bondage with you. And I'm ashamed of you. I'm sad, angry, completely frustrated. Come on America, we're better than this. We were great, we were the best. And now we are nothing. In just a few decades, we went from first to worst. You have 9 months to wake up. Please prove to me that you can wake up in time, because I am not optimistic.

I'm voting for Ron Paul, whether he's on the ballot or not, and so should you, even if I'm the ONLY ONE to vote for him. If you care, if you value your future, because there's nothing in the future for you if you vote for those who would love to force their control over you. This is it, America, stand up now, prove me wrong, make me proud. Make us all proud. You have a chance, take it, PLEASE!

I beg you, may God bless you and wake you from your slumber. I say this because I care, I have great love for this country deep down, and you should too. I can't stop trying, cannot give up, and if I stand alone, so be it. RON PAUL 2008!

02-09-2008, 11:43 PM
By your thoughts, you shape your world.

Begin to look for ways that YOU can personally change your world, think positively on those things, and move in that direction.

All Politics and Economics MUST BE LOCAL!

This is a personal battle that we must all wage with ourselves first. Leadership is 90% internal - always check your motives before you move.

02-10-2008, 04:51 AM
Own yourself.

02-10-2008, 07:17 AM
I hate what this governments turned our country into. And who allowed it? Who made it this way? American citizens!

How in the FUCK can you admit to water boarding and even say you may do it again in the future and not be impeached and sent to jail?! Yet THEY are the bad guys? THEY are the evil ones? No, BUSH, it is YOU. You fucking scum. You have done more damage to this country than all the "terrorists" in the world could have hoped for. YOU are one of the greatest terrorists the world has ever known, and you are an absolute traitor to your people and your country.

Yet somehow Bushs' baby brother McCain is the leading republican candidate??? Was 8 years of this shit not enough for these voters? WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!

What happened to us? This government has done so much crap that nothing's shocking anymore, and it seems like hardly anyone even cares!!

Captain Shays
02-10-2008, 08:05 AM
Bush did it? Are you kidding me? Do you really think Bush did it alone, or that he is the brains behind this operation?

Its like the stupid liberals who focus on Bush this and Bush that. They tout him on one hand as a diabolical schemer able to single handedly change the entire world for the worst and on the other as a stupid incompetent fool who cannot tie his own shoe laces.

Our enemy is the CFR and the bankers behind them.

We need to find out where they are and kill them. Our government is bought and paid for by them. They are responsible for more human suffering, more environmental degradation and more loss of national sovereignty than ANY other force on the planet.

They fund both sides of just about every war. They drench ruthless dictators and monarchies and thugs in cash who then subjugate their people and start wars with their neighbors with the weapons they buy with the money. Of course many times the weapons are provided by the companies the bankers have invested in. The war machines of the planet are an endless alternative source of revenue for those bankers.

To pay their loans these tin pot dictators place their nation's resources in the hands of the same bankers as collateral and when they inevitably cannot make good on the loans they resort to over-extraction of those resources, hence the worst cases of environmental catastrophies in world history are caused ultimatly by the works of these bankers.

When the bankers are ready to reign in that country into the IMF and the global plannings they threatened to cut off the funding or threaten to fund the other guy, thereby keeping in power any ruthless thug and murderer who will do their bidding and enlarge the bankers portfolios. And so the cycle continues until they have reigned in every country and every country's leadership is complicit with their plans for global domination.

These are the people who control our media and have blocked out from the eyes and ears and minds of the American people the views of Ron Paul, the one who only wanted to uphold his oath to protect the Constitution. These are the people who have so corrupted our electoral processes that the results can no longer be trusted. These are the people who devise the wars and the reasons for wars that our sons are sent to die in.

These are the people who steal and rob our God given rights and these are the people who are ultimatly behind the emergence of the police state.
These are the people who are behind the efforts to form a one world government, through "progressive regionalization" therefore these are also the people who are behind the flood of illegal immigrants who are draining our blood and treasure.

These are people who should be hung from the highest trees we can find. They are the people who are destroying the United States of America. They and all their candidates and all the people who they have hoodwinked.

02-10-2008, 08:08 AM
Here is how to move towards the future you want. (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6015291679758430958)

Charles Wilson
02-10-2008, 08:54 AM
While we are venting our frustrations I would like to add my two cents worth. This country is being run by Socialists and Fascists, along with their sympathizers in the MSM -- they have the money and power. The majority of the American people are in denial, they cannot handle the truth, therefore they bury their heads and convince themselves that their masters will take care of them. The mindset of the American people will not change until they are forced to change. That day is coming folks. We are headed for a major economic depression where the average citizen in this country will feel the pain. The hardships resulting from the coming economic depression will provide an opportunity for us to get organized and elect someone like Ron Paul and take our country back.

We should organize now and prepare for the worse while we can. The ominous signs of a major depression are every where. Here in central Florida we have acres of construction equipment worth millions of dollars that will be auctioned off at less than half of the original costs. It has been estimated that approximately 1/3 of the equipment will leave the country.

We cannot prevent the coming tragedy but we can prepare for it and make the best of it.

02-10-2008, 10:03 AM
our enemy is the CFR and the bankers behind them.

Yes - that's it. It started 50 years ago. Bush is simply a puppet of the Bilderbergs. Hillary/Obama/McCain are all puppets of the Bilderbergs. The POTUS is simply a figure head like the Queen of England.

02-10-2008, 10:16 AM
Own yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, Ron Paul IS my President now. I'll work with him to move our country forward, and I'll concentrate the rest of my efforts on guns, ammo, gold, and food supplies. The rest of the sheeple can go take a flying F^(%.

Brother Butch
02-10-2008, 11:20 AM
Yes - that's it. It started 50 years ago. Bush is simply a puppet of the Bilderbergs. Hillary/Obama/McCain are all puppets of the Bilderbergs. The POTUS is simply a figure head like the Queen of England.

More like 100 years ago. The Fed began ripping us off in 1913. Debase the currency, and debase the people.

Captain Shays
02-10-2008, 11:33 AM
Yes - that's it. It started 50 years ago. Bush is simply a puppet of the Bilderbergs. Hillary/Obama/McCain are all puppets of the Bilderbergs. The POTUS is simply a figure head like the Queen of England.

Hi Jena

It started longer ago than 50 years. It started before the Fed was formed on Jekylle Island in 1910. Andrew Jackson ran his entire campaign on revokig the charter of the Second Bank of the United States. Even our founders inflated our currency the Continental. Even before our Constitution was formed Central bankers from Europe had their sights on the colonies.

What I am about to write may seem subversive, terroristic and criminal but I believe it in my heart of hearts. The international bankers are the domestic enemies that our military forces and our elected representatives are all sworn to defend us against. The militia is a vital part of our country and written into the Constitution.

If we could round them all up. If we knew who they were and where they were, I would gladdly put my own life on the line to save this country from them. They need to be hung. They are the people who are destroying this country from within.

The harships to come are not limited to an economic breakdown. Combined with another attack and we could all be sent to encampments. FEMA camps do exist. its not some conspiracy theory. I and my wife heard Michael Chertoff on TV news talking about their existence. They're real and waiting for you and me.

We here have discussed lots of things since the campaign started. There are a lot of Ron Paul supporters who know different things whether they be the FEMA camps I mentioned, the economic collapse that we know is coming or the takeover of our government by CFR scumbags to the media control of information to control fo the internet. By 2012 we can pretty much count on preventative measures to stop internet fund raising or some third rail candidate like Ron Paul from gaining any power and that's IF we have another election.

If anyone should refuse to be in denial it's Ron Paul supporters. We worked. We gave money until it hurt. We knocked on doors, makde our own signs, studied and studied and we made the best videos on Youtube. We KNOW what is to come and its bad. REALLY bad.

So don't give up. There is still hope in a brokered convention where someone like Ron Paul might have half an hour to make his case.

We can still work on educating Christians and take their votes away from Huckabee who doesn't deserve them. I am a Christian and like many other Christians we KNOW that Ron Paul is the ONLY and possiblly the LAST hope to restore our liberties, return us to a sound and sane foreign policy and sound and sane monitary system. So don't give up yet.

02-10-2008, 08:08 PM
Here is how to move towards the future you want. (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6015291679758430958)

WOW! Thanks for the link. I didn't know about this man and his website. I have been reading for hours now. A lot of this I already knew, but he puts all the pieces together, with a plan. Great site that needs passed on to all.

02-11-2008, 07:00 AM
WOW! Thanks for the link. I didn't know about this man and his website. I have been reading for hours now. A lot of this I already knew, but he puts all the pieces together, with a plan. Great site that needs passed on to all.

Glad to have been of service to you.

It made a lot of sense to me also.

Now together we can awaken even more to what is going on.

Pass it on :)