View Full Version : They stole our democracy!

02-09-2008, 10:44 PM
Or republic, w/e you want to call it. What do we do with massive vote fraud? It doesn't matter how many people are going to vote for Ron Paul if his votes are manipulated. I don't know what to do.

02-09-2008, 10:46 PM
Duhhhh...where have you been :P

02-09-2008, 10:52 PM
Dont know what to do? All you need to do is look at your avatar.

02-09-2008, 10:55 PM
Dont know what to do? All you need to do is look at your avatar.


02-09-2008, 10:57 PM

Not what I meant....

02-09-2008, 11:06 PM
It's not 'whatever' when you mis label our country a Democracy.

We are a REPUBLIC.

Here's an excerpt from a Treatise I wrote in 1999 which touches on the Republic vs Democracy issue and why the distinction if important:

"If Ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We Ask
your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand which feeds you.
May Your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that Ye
our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

"If you will not fight for the right, when you can easily win without
bloodshed. If you will not fight when your victory will be sure, and not
costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight, with all
odds against you, and only a precarious chance for survival.
There may be a worse case. You may have to fight, when there is no chance
victory. Because it is better to perish, than to live as slaves." -

"If all of the ignorance in the world, passed a second ago. What would you
say? And who would you obey?" - Ed Kowalczyk +Live+

What do these quotes mean, and why have I signed this e-mail with them?

Look at the people we have allowed to run our government for us and decide
what they mean to you.

We pay approximately 50% of our gross earnings on direct and indirect
State and Federal Income tax. Social Security, Medicare, unemployment tax,
sales taxes, USF fee (hidden tax), property tax.

Let's talk about something topical and easy to relate to:
Government imposes 43 different direct and indirect taxes on the
and distribution of gas, adding 72.3 cents on average to the cost of each
gallon of gas.
Government says that Big Oil Companies are gouging the consumer. Well,
they are, or maybe they aren't, but what claim does government have to
receive monies from a product they did nothing to make, distribute or
Government taxes are gouging us all, small consumer and big business
Think of it this way, Corporations don't lower their profit margins when
taxed, they simply pass the additional cost onto the consumer.
Consumers pay ALL taxes, no matter what our politicians may say to placate

How does this make you feel?

Are you a free human being or a slave of the government?
Do you get to keep all that you labor for?
Do you command your government officials, or do you ask your government
officials for permission to do things?

What would happen if you used the threat of force to make your neighbor
you $10 which did not belong to you, and was not owed to you, and then
your neighbors $10, and gave it to someone else. The neighbor would call
police and you would be arrested for theft!
Yet a non government, privately owned corporation called the IRS acts as
though it were a government agency and uses threats to take money from
people every single day.

You may say "Well, what can I do, I am only one person?" It's easier to
than to stand for what's right.
Let me remind you that all throughout history it's been one person
for what's RIGHT instead of what's easy that has changed the world.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to relinquish her seat to a white
passenger on a racially segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Didn't she
know she was "only one person" didn't anyone ever tell Rosa, she couldn't
change the world? Didn't Rosa understand that "you can't fight city hall"?

What's that? Oh you mean Rosa Parks did change the world?
Hmm, wonder how that happened, after all, she was only one person.

On July 4th 1776, moments before the vote was to be taken by the 56
delegates to determine whether or not Thomas Jefferson's document (the
Declaration of Independence) would be approved by a vote it looked like it
would be struck down. John Hancock had just finished speaking and urged
delegates to use restraint and remain loyal English subjects. (Note at
point that the war between the colonies and England was already 14 months
old! When the war began the colonists weren't fighting for independence,
they merely wanted representation in Parliament which had been denied them

John Adams then stood up and gave an impassioned speech asking the
if they thought there could ever be reconciliation between England and the
colonies after all the atrocities England had committed during the last 14
months and prior that caused the original shots to be fired at Concord and
Lexington (the shots "heard 'round the world"). He pledged his whole
mind, spirit and body to the cause of liberty and self-governance.

When Adams sat down, the hall was silent, the vote was taken , and it was
unanimously approved.
America was born.

One person changed the world forever on that day, July 4th 1776.

You have the chance to live free today because of one persons actions and

Prior to that moment there was no independent America, and no Americans.
Only English Colonies and Colonists.

This is why John Hancock signed the Declaration first and 3 times larger
than normal. The king of England knew Hancock was loyal to the British
Crown, and Hancock wanted to send a clear message to the king once and for
all that England had gone too far, and that the colonies were no longer
under his reign; he also wanted the king to be able to read his name even
with his poor eyesight.

Today you fear your own government, when it's the government that should
fear you, WE THE PEOPLE.

Remember, We the People empower the government, we give government
permission to do certain things for us on our behalf, not the other way

Are you a real American?
Do you value personal liberty above all else?
Would you fight for liberty to preserve it for yourself, and future
generations that you will never know?

Are you a pseudo-American?
Do you profess to love America, and the American way of life, but fail to
understand exactly what that means?
You feel patriotic when the flag flies and the National Anthem is sung,
rarely otherwise.

Or, are you a Socialist Amerikan?
Do you hate individual liberty and feel that government must exert

What about you?
What kind of American are you?
It's not ok to be a Psuedo-American, yet most of us are.
I once was. It doesn't make you a bad person, just realize it doesn't make
you a good American either.

I believe that all Pseudo-Americans exist through simple ignorance of what
Americanism is.

Will your children and their children's children remember you as having
preserved the greatest Republic (not Democracy) the world has ever known,
revile you for enslaving yourself and them?

If you are like I was, and like most people are, you probably think
Democracy is a GOOD thing. Right? I mean Democracy! Come on, that's what
it's all about, isn't it? Or is it?

Have we been slowly tricked into thinking Democracy is good, and that we
a democracy? I submit to you that we have.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America, and TO
REPUBLIC for which it stands..."

Read the following definition of Democracy, which oddly enough disappeared
from official government documentation after 1928, but was clearly defined
in an Army training manual up until that time:

U.S. Army Training Manual TM2000-05, 1928

Democracy, n. "A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass
meeting or any form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude
toward property is communistic - negating property rights. Attitude toward
law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based
upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without
restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license,
agitation, discontent, anarchy."

Hmm, sounds like what we have today. The EPA and many other
illegal agencies can negate your property rights. Politicians both
Republican and Democrat alike demagogue to pit one group of Americans
against another. Men vs Women, Race and Religion, economic status etc. Our
government employees rarely base their votes on what's right for the
of the country as a whole, but rather what the vocal "majority" say they
want at that single moment in time....without regard to consequences, or
even worse yet, what will give them and their predecessors the most
authority and power over you. We are "required" to have this license and
that license to travel (drive) or earn a living (commerce,business) or
get our own food (hunt,farm) and provide shelter (build a house).

American's still love their county and still have more opportunity than
anywhere else in the present world, yet most of them feel as if something
isn't quiet right, but can not define exactly what that something is.
like discontent to you? Haven't you heard people, or even thought
"Man, this country is going to _____."

Think of it this way; In a Democracy if you have 100 people, 51 people
majority) can completely vote away the rights of the other 49 people, and
there is nothing that the 49 people can do about it, unless they are
prepared to do whatever is necessary to resist. It's fine if you are in
majority, but what happens when you aren't in the majority? And be
sooner or later everyone will find themselves in the minority crowd.

Now let's see what a Republic is defined as:

republic: "a form of government in which supreme power resides in a body
citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and
representatives responsible to them and governing according to law."
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary

U.S. Army Training Manual TM2000-05, 1928

Republic, n. "Authority is derived through the election by the people of
public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward law is the
administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established
evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of
and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the
dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in
liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress."

So what are we? A Republic, or a Democracy.
Well, America was founded as a Republic.
When A lady asked Dr. Benjamin Franklin, "Well Doctor, what have we got? A
republic or a monarchy?"

"A republic," replied the Doctor, "if you can keep it."

In a Republic, every single person has inherent rights that can not be
away by a majority.

What kind of future do you want to leave for the world?
Are you raising your children to be a slave of government, a mere piece of
property? or a free human being?

Think slave is too strong a word?
Think about this: What is the difference between involuntary servitude and

There isn't one.
Slavery by definition IS involuntary servitude.

What are you willing to do to preserve liberty?
What aren't you willing to do to preserve liberty?

If you can answer what you aren't willing to do, you define that by which
you can be enslaved.

For example, if you say "I'm willing to do anything for liberty, except
loose my job."
You just told me all I have to do is threaten to fire you to make you give
up your liberty.

And on it goes, I'd do anything, except, risk dying, or risk my children,
risk my family, risk my fortune, my house, my cat, my dog, my cell phone.

Whatever it is you are not willing to loose in defense of your inalienable
rights, is that which will allow the government or any person/entity to
strip you of those rights, and claim all along that you had a choice. You
"voluntarily" choose to do their bidding.

So, what do they mean to you?
What kind of American are you?
I invite you investigate it for yourself.
I urge you to learn what you can do to reclaim your lost liberty.

You are not alone, millions of Pseudo-Americans are realizing what has
happened to our liberties, and are choosing to be Real-Americans instead,
because it IS possible to reclaim your liberties.

You don't even have to be the "one person" to change the world.

Let's educate the Pseudo-Americans, so that they can understand what type
American they are, and more importantly choose what type of American they
WANT to be.

To understand the concept of RA-PA-SA, I recommend "Uncommon Sense" a very
enlightening, fast and fun read about our founding.

<a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0922356955" Uncommon
@ Amazon.com </a

02-09-2008, 11:11 PM
Or republic, w/e you want to call it. What do we do with massive vote fraud? It doesn't matter how many people are going to vote for Ron Paul if his votes are manipulated. I don't know what to do.

Steal it back. We're organizing it here, and we don't have it as easy as most counties (In fact, we're in for a long fight).