View Full Version : Mitt Supporters...Learn about Ron Paul's Strategy for the War on Terror

02-08-2008, 10:22 AM
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Though Ron Paul doesn't classify the War on Terrorism as a war between sovereign nations or as a justification for the erosion of personal liberties he is likely the strongest anti-terrorism candidate.

Ron Paul supports violent retribution against terrorists. He supports accurately analyzing and evaluating any clear and present danger to the nation.

In retribution and defense he would use and/or hire military forces to eliminate potential threats and kill malicious militants. This method of not using all out invasion and occupation not only kills offenders, but also reduces the recruiting methods of terrorist organizations.

It is likely that the reduction in recruitments alone, Ron Paul would eliminate more terrorists than the entire war on Iraq has. The cooperation of foreign governments would be increased as the US would not be seen as a potential threat to their sovereignty, but rather as a nation acting in self, and indeed even mutual defense.

This method is less expensive but more complicated. However it is more efficient and does not rally entire populations of the world in hope that the US will suffer another disaster.

The military teaches us this logic, you must not only bomb the enemy tanks but also the factories so they can't make more tanks. Our current NeoCon policy bombs the terrorists....and turns nations into terrorist factories.

Ron Paul offers the only practical approach to preventing the further empowerment of our enemies while attacking the culprits directly.

You may hear it often, the military are not police, they are not investigators, detectives...or designed to manage civilian populations. We are using an anvil to remove a tumor which is better removed with a surgical blade.

Edit: Ron Paul raised more money from active military personnel than all other candidates, Democrat and Republican combined. No surprise.

02-08-2008, 10:25 AM
It looks good--except do not say RP's plan is more complicated (maybe more sophisticated).

Here's my soundbyte list:

RP provides the best military. All the others weaken our military.
RP provides the best national security. All the others weaken our security.
RP provides the best intelligence. All the others weaken our intelligence.
RP provides the best foreign policy. All the others weaken our foreign policy.

Ron Paul’s strong foreign policy:

Keep an unbeatable military.
Uphold the Constitution and US sovereignty: Declare the war, fight it, win it, and come home.
Fight terrorists with intelligence and special units to stop overstretching our troops and to keep our conventional forces free and ready for major conventional threats.
Secure our borders and enforce our visa laws to stop terrorists.
Maintain financial security through sound money, fiscal conservatism, and non-intervention (the smart way to be globally active)—You can’t win a war when you’re bankrupt.

Much more at http://hawks4ronpaul.blogspot.com/

02-08-2008, 10:48 AM
The military teaches us this logic, you must not only bomb the enemy tanks but also the factories so they can't make more tanks. Our current NeoCon policy bombs the terrorists....and turns nations into terrorist factories.

Excellent Metaphor!!

Great post!

02-08-2008, 10:50 AM
War on Terror is a sham and doesn't exist. Its just blatant occupation.