View Full Version : Serious Question... Has Dr. Paul ever actually asked people to vote for him??

02-07-2008, 05:37 PM
After reading an interesting little post Paul4Prez... one can't help but wonder...

Originally Posted by Paul4Prez
He needs to ask people for their votes, and tell them why they should vote for him, even if the media tells them he can't win. He's done a great job of explaining his philosophy and pointing out the problems with the other candidates' plans, but he's never asked people directly for their vote, or explained why voting for him has value even if someone else eventually wins.

I mean, it would be kinda funny if it wasnt so true... I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of the dissertation.. hell, I was tired of the 'educational speeches' months ago. Instead.. we get 30minutes "seminars" about why are country is fucked up.. thanks but no thanks doc. It doesn't work! All it does is give ammo to a small segment of the population who supports you, who then in turn, get to feel 'morally superior' because they are on the side of logic and liberty..

PHOOEY!... I'd much rather compromise a little and WIN, then educate and LOOSE. Today at CPAC just made it all that much more clear...

02-07-2008, 05:38 PM
Only time I've seen him say "Vote Ron Paul" was at the MTV debate.

02-07-2008, 05:40 PM
Why should he ?

People should vote for themselves, if they donīt they will be bankrupt and then sent to war to die!!!!!

Itīs not up to PAUL, ITīS UP TO YOU

02-07-2008, 06:04 PM
The founding fathers were pretty opposed to vote chasing, undignified.

This is what you get when you back a statesman instead of a politician.

02-07-2008, 06:06 PM
He said at the beginning, people who believe what he believes don't want the stupid job... why would he ask for it?

02-07-2008, 06:31 PM
Actually if you look into marketing strategies and such, people really do need to be told to VOTE FOR ME.

Sometimes it really is something that small that makes the difference. Study marketing and you will find all sorts of odd things that actually work wonders. Changing one word in an advertisement's headline can increase response rates by 500%. One frigging word!

And often times a higher price brings more sales than lower ones. Doesn't make sense logically but it is reality.
