View Full Version : Fair Weather Supporters

02-07-2008, 02:27 PM
Did you think it would be easy?

Let me remind you what it is we're fighting for, incase you've forgotten. We're fighting for the rule of law. We're fighting for our rights lost to the fear engendered in our neighbors by dishonest leaders. We're in this to bring our sons and daughters home from Iraq. We're fighting to open the eyes of our friends to the uncontested schemes of bankers and monied feins.

Our struggle is about the belief that men and women have a right to determine their own future. That they cannot be conscripted into armies. That they cannot be spied upon without warrants that outline a probable cause. That our sons and daughters are entitled to an education that does not seek to distance them from the values of their family.

We're fighting to secure our hard earned monied, that we not be taxed to fight immoral wars, or to defend the lands of wealthy nations.

If we stand down now, after so much has been accomplished in so little time, we will be deserving of the fate we fear. We must not surrender ourselves to the bias we see in the media, we must not surrender our convictions to the rhetoric of "change" and empty promises, nor should we surrender ourselves to any apparent inevitability.

We are the forgers of our own destiny. This is not going to take a day. This will require more than one election season. Freedom has to contend with forces outside of tyranny, namely ignorance. It will take time to awaken those who now seem hopelessly asleep. But do not lose hope. I was once one of them, and it can be done. And it must be done. And in order for us to succeed, we must learn to persuade others without injuring their pride in their current beliefs.

Don't be a fair weather supporter. Saddle-up and get ready to ride, cause we're not done yet.

02-07-2008, 02:55 PM
So what do you think Ron Paul should do?

Continue to run for the Republican nomination or run in the general election as an independent?