View Full Version : Romney Helps Ron Paul

02-07-2008, 02:12 PM

How Romney's Departure Equals Victory for Paul
With the unexpected concession of Mitt Romney, Ron Paul is suddenly thrust into serious contender status.by Jake Morphonios

The only way that Ron Paul could have won the Republican nomination was for sufficient numbers of national convention delegates to be split between McCain and Romney on the first ballot. Such a split, which would have resulted in no clear winner, would have resulted in a second ballot. On the second ballot delegates would be free to vote their consciences. Ron Paul's "brokered convention" plan was to win as many of these delegates as possible and steal the nomination away. However, the odds were slim that Romney delegates would turn around and cast their votes for Paul over Romney.

But all that has changed!

Today Mitt Romney dropped out of the race. He had hundreds of delegates committed to him. Many of these delegates are now free to vote for an alternate candidate. Does anyone really believe that Romney's supporters want to vote for McCain after the savage attacks that McCentury levied on Romney? They will be looking for a Conservative alternative to McCain. Right now that means either Huckabee (if he can keep going) and Paul.

We are back in play!

Many of you will have questions on how a brokered convention works, how to lobby delegates for Ron Paul, etc. For excellent information on these issues, I recommend that you go to http://www.ronpaul2008.com and sign up to become a Precinct Leader. You can then access various training videos, including one entitled: "John Tate explains caucuses and conventions". Now is the time for action.

Naysayers and pessimists did not win the American Revolution. Our noble forefathers did not scurry home to lick their wounds after each disheartening defeat at the muskets of the redcoats. They did not throw up a white flag or whine about how they couldn't win. They kept fighting.

I call upon YOU to stay the course.

Keep fighting for the right to be secure in your property and privacy. Keep fighting for the right to assemble and rally without government interference. Keep fighting for the security of your spouses and children. Stand up for liberty. Fight for Ron Paul.

We stand at an historic juncture in the journey of our nation. In this moment of reflection we must ask, as did Patrick Henry so long ago, "Is life so sweet, or peace so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"

May you all be endowed with a second wind and the courage to fight on!

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2008 Jake Morphonios, all rights reserved.
Published: Thursday, February 7, 2008
Last modified: Thursday, February 7, 2008

The views expressed in this article are those of Jake Morphonios only and do not represent the views of Nolan Chart, LLC or its affiliates. Jake Morphonios is solely responsible for the contents of this article and is not an employee or otherwise affiliated with Nolan Chart, LLC in his/her role as a columnist.

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