View Full Version : Back to being pumped!

Lucid American
02-07-2008, 07:34 AM
I gotta say, Tuesday was disappointing for me. It by no means had me down on Paul, but it had me down on my hopes for America.

I was still determined to see Paul stick it through and absolutely determined to vote for him even if I had to write him in.

However, this morning, I'm back and perhaps with even more determination. Paul remains undaunted and dedicated to taking this thing all the way to the convention.


Americans love an underdog, and I don't believe the conservative conscience can vote for McCain when the rubber meets the road. I think Paul's continued perseverance will earn him more equity, as will his sticking to the Republican ballot.

If the GOP finally just throws him out, he has the option then to run independently and take a lot of votes with him -- therein lies his leverage.

At the same time, while the other candidates are going so deeply in debt and revealing their true character, Paul's campaign is truly exemplifying what his ideals as president would reflect: frugal management of money and no top-down attempt to control the grassroots.

All that said, after a day to lick my wounds, I'm back to being pumped -- maybe more than ever.

Remember the opening battle in Braveheart when the Scots saw the royal army they were up against, and many of them decided, "Well, this is folly, so let's go home"? Then Stephen made the statement to Wallace, "We didn't get all dressed up for nothin'!" I think it's pretty clear that's where we stand. Let's take this all the way!