View Full Version : Which party? GOP, LP, CP?

02-07-2008, 03:56 AM
First off, I want to win! I don't want to run just to make a point or ruffle some establishment feathers. I seem to adhere most closely to the Constitution Party Platform, then the Republican Platform, and somewhat with the Libertarian Platform.

It looks like in my entire State there are 0 Constitution incumbents and 3 Libertarian incumbents (all local city council members).

Seems like the GOP is the way to go! Would CP or LP members on this forum vote for a Liberty Candidate if he/she runs as a Republican? And if so which RP issues are sacrosanct and which ones are open to compromise?

My district is a liberal stronghold; I could not possibly win without strong support from the GOP, CP, LP and Independents.

02-07-2008, 01:34 PM
If you want to win, and you're going for a state seat. With a very liberal district, you might want to think about running as DFL. Pander to them, and get 'em to vote for you. :)

02-08-2008, 08:10 PM
Seems like the GOP is the way to go! Would CP or LP members on this forum vote for a Liberty Candidate if he/she runs as a Republican?

They better. They're voting GOP for President so far.

And if so which RP issues are sacrosanct and which ones are open to compromise?
Non-interventionist foreign policy, fiscal conservatism, honesty while in office and elsewhere are the major ones that if you falter on you will not get LP, CP or RP voter support.

02-08-2008, 08:12 PM
The GOP infrastructure is already there. All we have to do is take it over piece by piece.

02-08-2008, 08:16 PM
First off, I want to win! I don't want to run just to make a point or ruffle some establishment feathers. I seem to adhere most closely to the Constitution Party Platform, then the Republican Platform, and somewhat with the Libertarian Platform.

It looks like in my entire State there are 0 Constitution incumbents and 3 Libertarian incumbents (all local city council members).

Seems like the GOP is the way to go! Would CP or LP members on this forum vote for a Liberty Candidate if he/she runs as a Republican? And if so which RP issues are sacrosanct and which ones are open to compromise?

My district is a liberal stronghold; I could not possibly win without strong support from the GOP, CP, LP and Independents.

Whichever you decide that gives you the best chance of winning.

But please watch this video at some point to remind you why and what never to do. (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6015291679758430958)


02-08-2008, 08:35 PM
Libertarian, Reform, Constitution, and Unity are all superior to the GOP. The GOP is a sinking ship. Time to jump off before it sinks.

02-08-2008, 08:39 PM
The poll already here somewhere has 80% iNDY and 20 percent Third Party.

pledge on my sig just in case...

02-08-2008, 09:50 PM
The poll already here somewhere has 80% iNDY and 20 percent Third Party.

pledge on my sig just in case...

I can't pledge.. I love RP, but (1) I don't think he will run, (2) I dislike McCain but I can't be involved in helping Obama/Clinton get into office. There are possibly 3 Supreame Court Justices and hundreds of open District positions, if Clinton or Obama get into office it would be the end of the Constitution.

02-08-2008, 11:05 PM
You can't honestly believe that if McCain gets in it would be any different than if Hillary gets in.. Either way the vast majority of the population in this country is flushing their rights down the toilet.

02-11-2008, 06:21 PM
Good luck.
I'd just say that you're running for office, not Ron Paul, so run on your own ideals. The fact that you're here means that you agree with RP for most of them.

Like life_boy said, there are certain things you want to make sure you follow and do. I'd stay consistent on
"Non-interventionist foreign policy, fiscal conservatism, honesty while in office and elsewhere are the major ones that if you falter on you will not get LP, CP or RP voter support."

I'd emphasize the honesty part and make sure that you don't pander. Remember that, that's what killed Romney in the end. When you decide to move up you want to make sure you can't be accused of "flip-flopping", the biggest thing that attracted me to RP was his absolute unwaivering honesty. Fellow-mormon Romney came up short in that department and hence he lost my vote.
Once again Good luck!

02-11-2008, 06:50 PM
Good luck.
I'd just say that you're running for office, not Ron Paul, so run on your own ideals. The fact that you're here means that you agree with RP for most of them.

Like life_boy said, there are certain things you want to make sure you follow and do. I'd stay consistent on
"Non-interventionist foreign policy, fiscal conservatism, honesty while in office and elsewhere are the major ones that if you falter on you will not get LP, CP or RP voter support."

I'd emphasize the honesty part and make sure that you don't pander. Remember that, that's what killed Romney in the end. When you decide to move up you want to make sure you can't be accused of "flip-flopping", the biggest thing that attracted me to RP was his absolute unwaivering honesty. Fellow-mormon Romney came up short in that department and hence he lost my vote.
Once again Good luck!

I'd also like to chip in that the following two are also extremely important at the state level:
1.) A strict, principled Constitutionalist approach with regard to your own state's Constitution
2.) Strong support of states' rights - in other words, always do what you can to stand up to the federal government when it oversteps its Constitutional bounds and tries to impose things on your state (like Real ID)

02-11-2008, 07:11 PM
Remember the Ron Paul Credo: "Freedom is Popular!"

You could do worse as an elected official than becoming your own version of Dr. No, voting always FOR Freedom, AGAINST new government encroachments, however well-intentioned they may seem to be. If I'm not thoroughly convinced that MY PERSONAL FREEDOM is your MOST important cause as my representative, you won't get my money, my efforts, or my vote.

I think that's why this movement will not be duplicated by any politician with any other message. We are working in our own self-interest, not toward our own destruction.

02-11-2008, 07:24 PM
My birthday is September 17th, (Constitution Day) and my birth year is 1976 (the Declaration of Independence Biennial). With such an auspicious birth date I inherently delved into the study of the United States Constitution and American politics. I become a Republican in 5th Grade after taking my first economics class, to the chagrin of my liberal teacher, with whom I would vigorously debate Reagan Economics.

Incidentally, I won those debates in elementary school, and there is only one reason why a snot nosed kid like me won those debates against a smooth talking, college educated teacher. Allowing people to keep their own wealth, de-regulation of industry, and a sound energy policy are more beneficial to a market based economy than burgeoning budgets and redistribution of wealth.

The United States Constitution and the Minnesota Constitution are remarkable frameworks of government, but our freedom does not emanate from those documents. Freedom is an existential right, a spiritual right; every Man, Woman, and Child is blessed upon conception with those inalienable rights. Our government, framed by the Constitution, exists for the sole reason of providing liberty; an environment where freedom can flourish free from subjugation.

Republican rule requires compromise; rigorous debate and informed arguments are key principles of democracy. Principled leaders must recognize, and be committed to never violating the scope of their Constitutional Authority.

Does Dr. Paul compromise enough? At what point does "just vote no" do more harm than good? Did voting against a Medal for Rosa Parks really make the Union a better place, protect our Constitution? Many of Ron Pauls fellow congressmen openly mock him... if he had compromised just a little would he have had more influence? If he had hired a professional pollster and speech writer he might be the Presidential Nominee right now... I have no doubt that if he would have spoken more about America First, His economic plans, and downplayed his view on Iraq he would have done much better... I have always said he is far too principled a man to be a Politician.

02-11-2008, 07:45 PM
Liberté, when others criticize Dr. Paul for not compromising, they're criticizing him for nothing other than being unwilling to violate the Constitution (the highest law of our land - no if's, and's, or but's). There are certain things that a true patriot simply cannot be willing to compromise on...and always remember that it's a "slippery slope." When government takes it upon itself to exercise powers beyond its authority, it doesn't matter how trivial any particular instance may be - the point is that the government doesn't have the authority, and "letting a few things slide" here and there is a horrible precedent - it's exactly how we got where we are now in the first place!

02-11-2008, 07:58 PM
Liberté, when others criticize Dr. Paul for not compromising, they're criticizing him for nothing other than being unwilling to violate the Constitution (the highest law of our land - no if's, and's, or but's). There are certain things that a true patriot simply cannot be willing to compromise on...and always remember that it's a "slippery slope."

Giving a Medal to Rosa Parks wouldn't have been a Constitutional Compromise. I understand his motives, but he must have known that the vast majority would not understand such a vote... so why do it? By losing respect, he lost power to influence truly important votes. (this is just one example of many votes)

We need to learn when to compromise and when not too, if not all the liberty candidates will become outcasts and fail to achieve/retain their seats. We also must be honest, and admit that being human we MAY BE WRONG! Yes, we may actually be wrong on some of our beliefs. In fact, it is safe to assume that because he is human he is wrong on a ALOT of his ideas.

Frankly, I get distrubed by the number of RP supporters that are unwilling to criticize Ron Paul. I don't agree with all of his issues.. I have serious doubts about his Iraq war ideas... yes the majority of people want out, but a majority also want to pull out in a slower, staged fashion.. are they ALL wrong and we are right?? We need to ask these questions, or we become the Sheeple.

Jane Aitken
02-11-2008, 08:08 PM
Stick with the GOP...