View Full Version : Can you read this? Proof Ron Paul supporters have high IQ

02-06-2008, 11:37 PM
Can you read this message? It is the current message on the main page at RONPAUL2008.COM -- it follows. If you can read this scrambled message without hesitation it speaks about your high IQ.

Note: MODS this is just for fun --- please let it stand.



Fbarruey 6, 2008

AGNILTRON, VNIIIRGA – Wtih the rsltues of mnay of the “Speur Tdasuey” pmeiriras and csecuaus now fazeilind, the Ron Pual cgpimaan is now pitncjreog taht it has at lesat 42 dgeelaets to the naonatil ceitoonnvn seurecd.

Whlie mcuh of the fucos in ytsederay’s Suepr Tueasdy cotetnss fueoscd on pncfereere plol nrbuems, Ron Pual ccauus-geors wree fesoucd on srnucieg dlteegaes to the naanotil cennitoovn. Wtih dtaiceedd sroeptprus and an oogrziaiatnn fueoscd plreuy on suicenrg deeaetgls, the cmiagapn has sreecud mroe delgeetas to the nonatail contvonein in Minaloepnis-St. Pual tahn cuuacs starw pllos mhigt orwhesite sgeugst.

Aindcrocg to caimpagn poijnorctes, a muiinmm of 24 dteegaels wree won in ydetasrey’s cotetsns. Wehn adedd to ptecojerd dgelteeas cmniog form srtong swohngis in Iwoa (4), Ndvaea (8), Loiinusaa (3) and Mniae (3), taht bngirs the ttoal dtaeegle cnuot to 42 detlgeeas or mroe.

“Our gaol has aywlas been to wlak itno the nnaiaotl GOP cnitoonevn wtih as mnay dtelaeges as psobslie,” siad Ron Pual 2008 camipgan maaengr Lew Moroe. “The nbumer of deelatges we won yesratedy colud vrey wlel be the dicrfeenfe in a Coevonntin wrehe no one has a frist-baollt mitjoary. Wtih Dr. Pual’s hmoe sttae of Taxes cinomg up, we feel we can eentr the cenvointon wtih a satuinbstal nuembr of deegalets.”

In an anegmreet frist retpoerd by Wset Viinigra tievoiesln soattin WASZ, terhe Ron Pual dtaeegels wree sercued tgohruh an aenmegert wtih the Mkie Huaekcbe cgapiamn at the Wset Viiringa sttae centvnoion ealry Taesudy. Ron Pual dateegels to the satte cnvnetooin snuwg tiehr szbliae srppuot to Hebuacke – punittg Hkbcauee oevr the top – in eanchgxe for the dgaeeetls.

Arcdinocg to ciampgan ptojicroens form lsat ngiht’s rlusets at laset 3 deatelegs wree won in Aalksa, 5 daleetegs wree won in Nroth Dotaka, 9 degaelets wree won in Mnonteisa, and 4 dgealeets wree won in Codroalo.

Adadlinlotiy the rluetss of the Lniouiasa Cucaus may sltil chgnae in fovar of Ron Pual, whree an oniongg leagl cnhglaele may rluest in msot of taht sttae’s deelteags gonig tdaorws Ron Pual aetfr satte GOP oilifcfas vateloid teihr own relus to iorrmppley put deeglates form oehtr canmgipas on the btlolas.

02-06-2008, 11:43 PM
The miracles of the human mind.

02-06-2008, 11:49 PM
Dahn, I mect ba pruhey smuct.

02-06-2008, 11:51 PM
Yo I call bs, that gave me trouble. Not like I could nto figure it out but once words get that long brain has problems guessing it as fast.

02-06-2008, 11:59 PM
Honestly, this is a really lame thread. Any half-developed human brain brought up with English would be able to interpret this.

02-07-2008, 12:01 AM
man we did this shit like in 6th grade. You don't need a high IQ to read this.

02-07-2008, 12:03 AM
It is about reading the message...... :rolleyes:

02-07-2008, 12:05 AM
Opstay isthay upidstay itshay.

02-07-2008, 12:12 AM
Most people should be able to read that at pretty much the rate at which they read anything, regardless of IQ. There was a study a few years back in the UK that showed as long as the last and first letters were kept intact, it really didn't affect reading speed.

02-07-2008, 12:18 AM
I read that fast

Mybe we shld all spk lk ths

02-07-2008, 12:24 AM
i read it before so I was able to keep the flow.

02-07-2008, 12:55 AM
reading that has nothing to do with IQ

02-07-2008, 07:05 AM
Waht si teh bgi dael? Ma I msniisg smotehnig aigan bceuase I hvae dsyelxia?

02-07-2008, 09:25 AM
Anyone can read it.

The human mind focuses on the letters at the beginning and end of the words. What's in the middle really doesn't matter much to your language processing centers. The more you read, the more you have read, the easier it gets to read messages scrambled like that.