View Full Version : Is a lobbyist the same thing as a political action commitee?

02-06-2008, 11:22 PM

02-06-2008, 11:33 PM
Lobbyist lobby congress to get bills passed. PAC's donate money to candidates and spend money for candidates on certain items such as ad's remember the swift boat ads? They were a PAC. Not all PAC's are bad and Not all PAC's are good.

02-06-2008, 11:47 PM

So these numbers represent money given to the candidates?

02-06-2008, 11:49 PM
Not exactly, but they have a similar manner of exerting influence on politicians.

Lobbyists are often former politicians who have gone to work for large companies. They are handsomely paid by these companies to push friendly legislation through congress. Often, standing politicians look forward to working as lobbyists after leaving elected office, so they must be welcoming and supportive toward their prospective future employers.

PACs are sometimes referred to as "lobbying groups" and have very similar influence, but they are more of coalitions of people working to influence politicians as a group. They buy politicians in a similar manner as the lobbyists, but they have even more power because the members can be (and are) influential in MANY areas. For example, the biggest PAC is AIPAC (Israel.) Politicians who don't "kiss the ring" of AIPAC commit immediate political suicide.

When you hear a politician, seemingly for no apparent reason, proclaiming his/her unwaivering, unquestioning support for Israel, AIPAC is the reason. Candidates often compete on the issue of "who loves Israel the most." Candidates and sitting leaders make annual (and periodical) appearances at AIPAC meetings and events to espouse their devotion. At these events, you will often hear American politicians speak of Israel as though it is their PRIMARY concern.

Bill Clinton once said "If Iraq came across the Jordan River, I would grab a rifle and get in the trench and fight and die." ...this came from a man who avoided fighting for the US in Vietnam.

(notwithstanding the fact that Vietnam was a bullshit, CFR lead, illegal action and that I don't blame anyone for avoiding being thrown into a meatgrinder for nothing.)

02-06-2008, 11:53 PM
Hmm...I see....I'll have to read up more on lobbyists.

Because there are people quoting those numbers from my link and saying that Obama received $0 from lobbyists.

Looks to me like he has $80, 000.00 +