View Full Version : An open letter to the MSM and the Republican Party

02-06-2008, 02:05 PM
We have (yes, I'm using the current tense "have", not the past tense "had", for a reason) an opportunity in 2008 for REAL CHANGE in America. We have an opportunity in front of us that hasn't arisen in at least two generations but I think it's much longer than that. WE - The people of AMERICA, have an opportunity to set our country straight.

We have an opportunity, right now, to stop the corruption that has a stranglehold on our political process at all levels of government. When I talk about corruption, I am (of course) speaking of the money that flows from special interest coffers into the pockets of our elected officials.

We have an opportunity, right now, to put a stop to the perpetual war machine that propagates fear and leaves the blood of innocent people in nations on almost every continent, letting into the ground. From Iraq to Columbia to Afghanistan to virtually every nation on the planet - we have embedded our money and our soldiers and the future of our nation. And we have an opportunity to put an end to it before the nation can no longer sustain the burden of our overseas trespasses.

We have an opportunity, right now, to put into place a REAL economic plan that will stimulate the economy beyond the wildest dreams of any tax cutter in Washington. It's not a plan to simply give Americans a few hundred dollars to go blow at the movies but a plan to restore the economic viability of the United States.

We have an opportunity, RIGHT NOW, to restore the rule of law and have the constitution followed, as it should be and in the process, restore not only the freedoms that have been lost to an overbearing, overweight, out of touch federal government but we also get to restore the faith of the rest of the world in the United States of America!

We have an opportunity, RIGHT NOW, to see the hopes and dreams of tens of millions of Americans restored by giving back to them the hard earned money that the government siphons from their checks every time they get paid. We have an opportunity to give the elderly REAL hope in the Social Security System and the young an opportunity to find their own way towards retirement. We have an opportunity to free up a trillion dollars a year to be re-invested in the United States of America!

All of these things can be accomplished. We can be free and prosperous - without the fear that a government agency (The IRS) can drop down on us like an anvil at any moment and conceivably destroy our personal lives because we may have screwed up line 60 part E on one of our tax forms. We can be free of the fear of government intervention in our lives - from wiretapping to data mining and more.

The Republican Party has an opportunity, RIGHT NOW, to restore faith to it's party and in the process, bring hundreds of thousands of young people into the fold and KEEP them there for future elections. The Republican Party has an opportunity to restore it's core beliefs and return to the values of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. We CAN lessen the tax burden on Americans AND have a strong defense!

ALL OF THIS and more is possible IF - and I know it's a big IF
IF the Republican party and the MSM will allow the American people to hear ALL of the candidates and allow them to make up their own mind.

I am ashamed that my fellow citizens would use the machinery of the press to silence the only true fiscal conservative who has an actual plan to save America from it's own excesses. While I am an atheist, I feel it is appropriate to say that I hope that whatever god you pray to will forgive you for your trespasses against your fellow citizens and against the citizens of the world.

02-06-2008, 02:07 PM
who did you send this to? who read it?

02-06-2008, 02:29 PM
And all the MSM "reporters" and "newscasters" and others who work for the demise of free press, can just say they "did not want to lose their job" and they were "just following orders"..
and we can call them Traitors with impunity.

02-06-2008, 03:27 PM
who did you send this to? who read it?

So far, this is the only place I've posted this. I wanted to get some opinions first. Of course, I realize that SOME online publications may read it here but so far I haven't submitted it anywhere. So what do you think?

02-06-2008, 03:42 PM
MSM along with all the other candidates are bought and payed for. They're owned.

We can expect nothing from them.

02-06-2008, 03:45 PM
MSM along with all the other candidates are bought and payed for. They're owned.

We can expect nothing from them.

I have hope in my heart that there are still some people - even in the Republican party and the MSM that have a conscience.

02-06-2008, 05:04 PM

02-07-2008, 08:54 PM
something they need to hear bump.

02-07-2008, 09:02 PM
The people who rule our country and who are trying to rule the world own the MSM as well as the top levels of the Republican and Democratic parties. They don't give a crap about restoring our freedoms, they are the ones who are taking our freedoms. You're not going to get them to change their minds by writing them a letter. Your letter is written from the approach that the Republican leadership is independent. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither the MSM, the Republican Party, or the people who control both, are ever going to want to restore our freedoms. The way we win is to reach the PEOPLE. Forget trying to influence the MSM and the Republican leadership. It's a waste of time. Ron Paul is their mortal enemy, they will NEVER get behind him or give him any more exposure than they have to.

02-07-2008, 09:03 PM
MSM along with all the other candidates are bought and payed for. They're owned.

We can expect nothing from them.


02-07-2008, 09:08 PM
Semetary, it's a very thoughtful letter. The problem is that the very people you are addressing know what's coming down the pike. They don't care, because they mistakenly think that TPTB will provide for them. They haven't a clue that they are useless eaters and when their job is done, they are every bit as expendable and you and I and the vets.

02-07-2008, 09:09 PM
I'm convinced that the media was paid off to hush Ron Pauls message so he couldn't ruin thier ultimate plan.WAR!! 4-5 internet and phone cables have been severed and iran stops taking the uS dollar with 7 other countries to follow. This might be it folks


02-07-2008, 09:11 PM
Yes, but some of the lower people in the chain can come over to our side if they feel guilty enough.

So in a sense it could have some effect, in the long haul. ;)

02-07-2008, 09:12 PM
I'm convinced that the media was paid off to hush Ron Pauls message so he couldn't ruin thier ultimate plan.WAR!! 4-5 internet and phone cables have been severed and iran stops taking the uS dollar with 7 other countries to follow. This might be it folks


Paid off? They are one.

02-07-2008, 09:14 PM
Yes, but some of the lower people in the chain can come over to our side if they feel guilty enough.

So in a sense it could have some effect, in the long haul. ;)

That's true. Target it to the local levels, not the national level.