View Full Version : My testimony to this movement and to Ron Paul

02-06-2008, 11:13 AM
As A Ron Paul supporter/precinct captain/delegate, I would like to express my warmest thanks to all the other Ron Paul supporters who still persevering fidelity and zeal which they have uniformly manifested in their support of this great man and the infallible message of freedom.

Your dedication not only under the hardships of our lives outside the political arena but also under the additional sufferings to which your efforts to elect Ron Paul have compounded, clearly proves you worthy of the enviable privilege of contending for the rights of human nature, the Freedom and Independence of our Country.

The recent losses and disappointments which have not dampened the uncompromising spirit is fresh proof that you possess in an eminent degree the spirit of soldiers and the magnanimity of patriots. The few dispirited individuals who disgrace themselves by fears and doutbs, I hope will repent from such unmanly behaviour, and resolved to emulate the noble example of their associates upon every trial which the customary casualties of this political war may hereafter throw their way.

Occasional distress for want of victories, recognitio,n and respect is a spectacle that frequently occurs in every movement and perhaps there never was one which has been in general so plentifully supplied in respect to the former as ours.

Surely we who are free Citizens in the defence of liberty are engaged in a struggle for every thing valuable in society and partaking in the glorious task of restoring the foundation of our constitutional republic, should scorn effeminately to shrink under those trials and failures of this War which mercenary hirelings fighting in the cause of lawless ambition, rapine and devastation, encounter with cheerfulness and alacrity, we should not be merely equal, we should be superior to them in every qualification that dignifies the man or the soldier in proportion as the motive from which we act and the final hopes of our Toils, are superior to theirs.

Thank Heaven! our Country abounds with those individuals possessing provision and with prudent management we need not apprehend want for any length of time. Defects in the electoral process, contingencies of mainstream media, and other temporary impediments have subjected and may again subject us to a deficiency for a few days, but patriots! American Partiots! will despise the meanness of yearning at such trifling strokes of adversity, trifling indeed when compared to the transcendent Prize which will undoubtedly crown their Patience and Perseverance,

Glory and Freedom, Peace and Plenty to themselves and the Community; The Admiration of the World, the Love of their Country and the Gratitude of Posterity!

I, a Ron Paul supporter, will unceasingly employ my energies to bring about victory. Our movement, I hope will second my endeavors by the most vigorous exertions and I am convinced in the faithful supporters associated with me in the great work of rescuing our Country from Bondage and Misery will continue in the display of that patriotic zeal which is capable of smoothing every difficulty and vanquishing every Obstacle.


Borrowed heavily and reworded