View Full Version : Brothers and sisters I am telling you this is a great day

02-06-2008, 11:07 AM
We are tens of thousands in every state. We are in every state, we are in every city, we are in every county and town and precinct. Who can say that the spirit of liberty is dead?

Yesterday in 22 states, hundreds of thousands of people voted their conscience and said yes to Hope For America. Who can call this a bad day?

A patriot is worth at least 2 humans in passion and effect. At the least. This nation has seen nothing yet.

We all know the man and the message are two separate things. Ron-bro himself says we're the movement and I believe he's getting the idea. We're all here to serve, each in our own way, and I think many of us are secretly grateful that we're not all called to serve in every way. Take Dr. Paul for instance. If I had to spend every day flying and scooting around and staying in cheap hotel rooms I just couldn't keep it up. I hate airports and coach class and cheap hotel rooms. I don't particularly like expensive hotel rooms either. Actually I dislike expensive hotel rooms even more because all they are is a fancy television and bed and pottie that you pay for but don't get to keep. What I like is camping. But here I am rambling again.

But anyways, I'm having a fine day today. The sun shines on me and 20,000-odd Arizona patriots. And I'll repeat that like my mantra for a while. I got 20,000-odd brothers and sisters right here in Arizona.

I woke up this morning to find I had about 20,000 friends.

Good morning me, what would I like for breakfast? Oh gee, let's see, can I bring about 20,000 of my friends?

02-06-2008, 11:19 AM
The establishment has been setting up here in our country for nearly 100 years.
We can regain control in much less than that, but a year may have been pushing it.

I would like to think I am one of the 600,000 or so patriots still fighting, even today.

02-06-2008, 11:22 AM

02-06-2008, 11:32 AM
Thank you Oyate!
This is EXACTLY what I want to be reading! Because of Ron Paul beginning this amazing journey I can now be positive that I am not alone. Hope is a very powerful rallying call.

02-06-2008, 11:35 AM
How many times in your life did things not go your way! Did you give up or keep doing what was needed to accomplish your goal...

02-06-2008, 11:41 AM
I love having all these friends in freedom!!! Great post!

02-06-2008, 11:46 AM
Oyate, your post brings tears to my eyes. So much attention being given to the planted trolls in this forum spreading their lies, their negativity, their deceit and it breaks my heart to see how many people respond to those posts and keep them bumped to the first page.

You are the light many of us needed today to uplift this forum and keep our movement MOVING!!! Many blessings to you!

02-06-2008, 12:39 PM
Nice post Oyate!

Bumped for all those who keep going on about a third party run and for those who feel lost/defeated because Ron Paul didn't win any state outright to read.

Keep your chins up and stop the defeatist and divisional attitudes. This is a war we are fighting and we have to stand together through thick and thin.

We have to trust in Ron Paul more than ever and keep in mind that this great man is no fool, he knows what has to be done and given time, we will all see his plan unfold before our very eyes and we'll be glad we stuck it out for the long haul.

Long Live The Revolution!

02-06-2008, 12:39 PM
Gods, I remember the early YouTubes, how against all hope, I saw Hope For America.

I think it was the Illinois rally where they shut off the recorded music and all the people sang The Star Spangled Banner and I just broke down crying for joy.

I realized how hurt I was then. I realized that as a life-long activist, I had actually given up hope. I realized I have been fighting on pure principle for so many years that I forgot what hope actually looked like and sounded like.

Then I saw you guys and I remembered I'm not alone. And I saw something I forgot how to hope for.

I ain't been waiting for the message, I know the damn message. I know the mamn dessage in my heart. What I was waiting for was you guys. And I didn't even know it. And I wasn't even waiting to my knowledge. I'm full-throttle-forward. I'm one of those guys you don't see. And that's the really funny thing, I been covert for so long and you guys outed me.

I been waiting for you guys. You phreaking people outed my cover. I can't do what I used to do now but as long as somebody wants buckwheat pancakes with honey I suppose I can live with all of this.

02-06-2008, 12:42 PM
Remember that Ron says he is honored to be a part of "OUR REVOLUTION"

Battles may linger for years to come but victory will be ours.

02-06-2008, 12:59 PM
Restore the Republic!

Keep the Faith and Pull together!!

Remember Valley Forge (http://www.ushistory.org/valleyforge/history/vstory.html), and that those people were freezing outside, without resupply or communications. Regroup for the next engagement. :D

02-06-2008, 01:03 PM
Yes, we are making waves and hopefully our message will get out.

I'm pissed as hell at the campaign for not spending that money better but hopefully libertarians will come out of the woodwork and start voting for freedom candidates.

02-06-2008, 01:36 PM
There is still some hope for America

The message of truth has gone out and people have begun to wake from sleep as from a dream.

Gadsden Flag
02-06-2008, 01:45 PM
Actually, I have found the turnout to be disappointing.

Do you realize that the vote totals so far are on pace to match what the Libertarian party candidates usual pull in during the general election on a strong year?

It seems to me that we have not converted quite so many people as we like to believe.

02-06-2008, 01:50 PM
There is still some hope for America

Some? Yo, we got 20,000-odd right here in Arizona. Multiply this across the 50 states and add in whom were too hopeless.

We're big dude. You guys are bigger than I am and for me, that's saying something.

Only got two pairs of hand cuffs.

02-06-2008, 02:03 PM
We aren't just campaigning for Dr. Paul to become President -- we're also campaigning for future candidates like Ron Paul.

Hallelujah! Keep the faith alive, folks. One way or another, we will win. :D

02-06-2008, 02:09 PM
Actually, I have found the turnout to be disappointing..

No shibit? Where do you eat breakfast? I'd like to go there. Around here we're just plain spread out all over the place. Some of us around here drive over 100 miles just to have breakfast in the company of patriots. But I have to tell you, there is a major craw-back. Never once have we served buckwheat pancakes with our own good Arizona honey.

See, our bees make pollen from the desert plants like sage and salt-bush and manzanita and the sacred plant. It tastes kind of lively. It's just the same way mutton tastes better from the South West, because you can taste the sage. But don't make no mistake about beef from this area. It sucks. You can't raise a cow on no desert. Shit, you need about 10 acres of property to feed a single damn cow out here and in FL they can pack them into 2 cows per acre.

Now what I heard about, and would like to try is beef from particular parts of Hawai'i where the cows all eat pineapple. But whatever the source of your beef, generally cows are designed to eat grass and anything else disrupts their complicated digestive system, and corn isn't any good for cows and you just wouldn't believe what they are feeding cows these days. I don't feed my children store-bought beef or milk anymore. And I know the way they treat the amn danimals, I mean the damn animals in commercial situations and I know that good people wouldn't look upon so. We just wouldn't suffer to look upon this.

And we wouldn't and we shouldn't because we won't so we don't. And that right there is the way it is.

And that's what makes me happy today of all days. Because there's a bunch of us. And we're worth a dozen apiece.

02-06-2008, 02:13 PM
kucinich got 20,000 in california and he ain't even running.


we should be realistic people.
focus on his congressional race and stop making rousing speeches.

The internet only goes so far.

02-06-2008, 02:27 PM
kucinich got 20,000 in california and he ain't even running.


we should be realistic people.
focus on his congressional race and stop making rousing speeches.

The internet only goes so far.

So you would just take coffee and no pancakes? Very well Sir, your order is coming right away. We are disappointed that Sir will not take our buckwheat pancakes and unfortunately, this morning we cannot recommend the eggs Benedict. The Hollandaise was imported.

Following this, if you will get yourself off your surely ass and chop wood and carry water....

02-06-2008, 02:31 PM
Yo! they just brought out the oatmeal!

Check it out. They bringing the butter and the honey and the milk ya.

Screw this, let's eat up on some oats. Hoo-dog. They ain't even gonna know what hit 'em.

02-06-2008, 03:09 PM

This is a war we are fighting and we have to stand together through thick and thin.:D

Lisa S
02-06-2008, 03:19 PM
March on Patriots we may have lost a battle but we will win the war!

02-06-2008, 03:32 PM
So how many are we total so far?

02-06-2008, 03:35 PM
Never give up! It is important you preserve your constitution - no other country has such deep historical roots of liberty.

Here in Australia, the belief in liberty is not the 'conservative' position. You're a long way ahead of us.

02-06-2008, 04:16 PM
Inspiring posts Oyate. You've got another brother in PA. This is what it's all about.

02-06-2008, 04:52 PM
In my thoughts, I had never expected that the movement is that huge as it is.
It's really amazing to me and I'm proud to all of you supporters.
In my beliefs, it is not just the revolution of freedom. It is more than that.
It's a revolution of hearts and minds.

Now everyone has an index of how great this revolution is.
Thank you all.

02-06-2008, 04:56 PM
Nice post Oyate!

Bumped for all those who keep going on about a third party run and for those who feel lost/defeated because Ron Paul didn't win any state outright to read.

Keep your chins up and stop the defeatist and divisional attitudes. This is a war we are fighting and we have to stand together through thick and thin.

We have to trust in Ron Paul more than ever and keep in mind that this great man is no fool, he knows what has to be done and given time, we will all see his plan unfold before our very eyes and we'll be glad we stuck it out for the long haul.

Long Live The Revolution!

Indeed !

02-06-2008, 05:20 PM
No shibit? Where do you eat breakfast? I'd like to go there. Around here we're just plain spread out all over the place. Some of us around here drive over 100 miles just to have breakfast in the company of patriots. But I have to tell you, there is a major craw-back. Never once have we served buckwheat pancakes with our own good Arizona honey.

See, our bees make pollen from the desert plants like sage and salt-bush and manzanita and the sacred plant. It tastes kind of lively. It's just the same way mutton tastes better from the South West, because you can taste the sage. But don't make no mistake about beef from this area. It sucks. You can't raise a cow on no desert. Shit, you need about 10 acres of property to feed a single damn cow out here and in FL they can pack them into 2 cows per acre.

Now what I heard about, and would like to try is beef from particular parts of Hawai'i where the cows all eat pineapple. But whatever the source of your beef, generally cows are designed to eat grass and anything else disrupts their complicated digestive system, and corn isn't any good for cows and you just wouldn't believe what they are feeding cows these days. I don't feed my children store-bought beef or milk anymore. And I know the way they treat the amn danimals, I mean the damn animals in commercial situations and I know that good people wouldn't look upon so. We just wouldn't suffer to look upon this.

And we wouldn't and we shouldn't because we won't so we don't. And that right there is the way it is.

And that's what makes me happy today of all days. Because there's a bunch of us. And we're worth a dozen apiece.

Great Post!!!!!!!! ROn PaUl R3v0LuTIoN lives on!!!:D