View Full Version : I have heard this mentioned before

02-06-2008, 07:41 AM
What if we try and put DVD's together with various tid-bits of information on them in the homes of every American? Information not related to the Good Doctor.

Information that everyone should have. We could do this easily. All we need is organization. It's cheap to make DVD's and postage is really the only expense.


02-06-2008, 08:03 AM

02-06-2008, 08:42 AM
there are already alot of documentaries on stuff.. But keep in mind, most americans are brainwashed by the media, so it would take a 20 hour video (at least) to get them to even understand a little bit..

Most americans are just so far out there in La La land.. The sheep have been trained all their lives to be like this.. It will take more than a video to change most of them imo.

02-06-2008, 11:13 AM
The big chunk of voters are older people and many of those do not own a dvd player, or a computer with internet for that matter. These people only get their new from MSM.
If it could be targeted for the young people who have the technology, then DVDs are fine. Those with computers a CD with the information and with links so they could look up the info themselves would be best.