View Full Version : Ron Paul DVD Creators

02-06-2008, 02:43 AM
This post is a meant to be a constructive criticism of the Ron Paul
DVDs that are given out to individuals at meet-up groups (or the like)
to be passed out during canvasing or just to be left at doorsteps.

I've had a chance to see two such DVDs, actually I'm in the middle
of watching the second right now, and I'd like to point out a few
things regarding them. Hopefully the makers of these DVDs would
take these points into consideration for the future.

The content of the DVDs aren't targeted for the average voter
in mind, who requires very concise and relevant information.

I can watch these DVDs for hours on end, as I can watch my M*A*S*H
DVDs over and over again. I'm a FAN! I've already drank the Kool-Aid, heck,
I'm mixing my own batch on a daily basis! I don't mind sitting in front of
my telly and watching the same episodes of M*A*S*H that I've seen
hundreds of times before, or these long interviews with Ron Paul in
every possible venue setting. But a new voter, especially one who has
not heard of Ron Paul, or not very much (due to MSM censoring of RP),
he or she won't bother with these collections of clips, showing our
favorite Congressman on all the different TV shows or radio programs
he's ever attended.

The new potential voter wants to know:

Who is Ron Paul?
What are the key issues of his platform?
What is his voting record like?
What kind of experience and foresight does he bring
to the table?
What has he accomplished in his political career?
What about achievements in his personal life?
Who are his supporters, or possibly more relevant,
who are his opponents?
Why does Ron Paul deserve my vote and my support?
Where can I get more info about him and his campaign?
How can I help and/or get involved?

The video footage used in these DVDs are pretty poor in quality.
It is hard to watch and especially hard to read the garbled up text the
stations or TV programs overlay.

The content of the DVDs lack purpose and agenda. Seems like a
random collection of Ron Paul on TV or on the radio, and the
viewer is left with the task to sort through them all and extract
the required information to secure his/her vote.

This should NOT be a task left to the person we are trying to
convince to join our "camp". We need to have digested all this
info for the viewer and presented it in an organized, easy to
understand and easy to follow manner.

Some of the pro-Ron Paul ads I have seen on YouTube have been
extremely well done (pro quality) such as this one (linky) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Med926aDBoc). Why
don't we employ the talents of these individuals in creating these
DVDs, or at least secure the permission to include their work on
our DVDs?