View Full Version : Why West Virginia should give you hope

02-05-2008, 04:40 PM
Today we witnessed how a state convention greatly improves our chances at winning the necessary 5 states to be a player in a brokered convention. Huckabee came in second in the first round of voting. Rather than allow Romney to win, Huckabee offers the Paul delegates a deal: vote for us, and we'll give Ron x amount of delegates. Huckabee gains a lot of support, wins, Ron gets 3 delegates.

Now think about this:

We came in second in Maine. Huck likely drops first, with Romney first, then Paul, then McCain. We go to Huck's delegates in the same way - "remember that WV deal you guys pulled? Vote for us, keep Romney out, and get your 3 delegates back." We potentially win Maine: 1 state we need out of 5.

I'm under the impression that Nevada and Louisiana are not winner-take-all so this wouldn't apply here, someone correct me if I'm wrong. However, this is potentially good news from Maine.