View Full Version : Barnpainting - aka low cost billboards

05-24-2007, 05:06 AM
Barnpainting - well, it doesn't have to be a barn, but if Ron Paul supporters can keep their eyes out for barns and the walls of buildings that are next to and very visible from major roads, that when found, the owner should be contacted, pitched about Ron Paul and if they like him, asked if they would be willing to let supporters paint a large sign or mural on the visible side of the building promoting him.

Variations exist - supporters via meetups and mailings could be asked if they had a visible surface like this they wouldn't mind using this way. Those that say yes could either be put in touch with supporters having artistic skills (probably with the aid of templates, or a LCD projector) or if a large format vinyl cutter is available, templates could be cut and shipped with instructions and a list of addresses - theirs and where to ship the templates next and ask them to put it up. Another variation would be if a large format vinyl printer is available and ship strips that could be tacked up, on above the other, making a large format sign. Yet another variation is having one of the banner factories mail them a banner to put up.

Lets put the Ron Paul message on buildings all across the country!
