View Full Version : How Ron Paul can do very well, or even win, after today.

02-05-2008, 01:24 PM
Let me know what you think of this. I've been thinking about it, and having learned a lot about politics, delegates, conventions, etc., this year I think it may be a viable scenario. To optimistic? Perhaps. Certainly not impossible though.


Goldwater Conservative
02-05-2008, 02:03 PM
Optimistic, but stranger things have happened.

What I'm thinking is that Huck might drop out within a week, like you suggested, if he can't win more than his home state and one or two others (seems likely). He'd get to go out on a high note and he'll have done McCain's dirty work by holding Romney down in several states. Romney might be running on borrowed time after tonight, considering he can only win the sparsely-populated (Mormon-heavy) mountain states and isn't very willing to spend more money on himself if he knows it's over.

Romney might pick a good state to make a last stand later this month, but he'll probably lose it and drop out. The media will then proclaim McCain the presumptive winner. Most of his supporters (who tend to be less organized and passionate than most, since they're casual "I like that guy, and don't know or care about his position on the issues" voters). Paul supporters will see an opportunity.

Talk radio will panic and start a "keep McCain in check" movement, knowing that he'll win but hoping they can prevent him from having an overwhelming majority of delegates. They'll push Paul as a protest vote to humble McCain and remind him to remain faithful to the base. There's historical precedent for this, such as late-season surges by Reagan in '76 and several "Anybody but Carter" candidates in '72. Many voters will also have buyer's remorse about the probable victor, and in our case the "he can't win" mentality will vanish when he's one of only two.

How's that for optimistic? :)

02-05-2008, 02:10 PM
that was an extremely entertaining thread, especially the bit about the car battery.

honestly, more intelligent discourse than i've seen on most news channels

02-05-2008, 02:13 PM
There's plenty of dirt on McCain to publicize. The Vietnam vets will help here. We need to open the Vietnam war archives in Vietnam to get the truth on McCain.

Maybe Hillary will do that dirty work for us.

02-05-2008, 02:45 PM
Thank God for you guys! Now THAT is a boost!