View Full Version : Restoring National Sovereignty

02-04-2008, 06:12 PM
2008 by G. Edward Griffin

" I have been a vocal opponent of electronic voting machines and a champion of 100% paper ballots as the only realistic means to insure honest elections; so I come to this topic with a fair amount of familiarity and momentum. The electronic voting machines being used in America today, not only are capable of being hacked, but are designed to be hacked. The elitists who now dominate the media and the two major political parties have a highly practical strategy . . . to encourage the masses to believe that, through the process of elections, they are, somehow, determining their own political destiny. . . .

"Winning an election, as important as that may be, is merely part of a larger strategy to recapture our freedom and restore national sovereignty. This cannot be done by putting one man into office, even the White House. [He] would be surrounded by collectivist enemies in Congress, in the bureaucracy, in the Pentagon, in the CIA, in the Judiciary, and in the corporate media (to name just a few power centers) who would throw every conceivable roadblock in his way. Ultimate victory will come only after inroads have been made into all of these sectors, and that cannot happen in a four-year election cycle. It will take, not a campaign, but a movement that looks beyond politics and far beyond the next election. With that longer strategic view, the problem of rigged voting machines in the coming election, as important as it is, is secondary to being able to build a movement to bridge into the future. . . .

"Election seasons are excellent times to identify newly awakened activists, some of whom will remain with us even after the polls close. In other words, participating in the election process is the best way to build a long-term freedom movement, a process that would be impossible if we dropped out and stayed home, grumbling and glowering over vote fraud.
"None of this means that we should ignore vote fraud or pretend it doesn’t exist. We have come to the point where everyone, from candidates to precinct captains to lone supporters should proclaim to the rooftops that the voting system is broken and needs fixing now. . . . . Now is the time to make vote fraud a major – if not the major – campaign issue. We can be sure that none of the controlled candidates will be talking about it, so here is a clear shot for Ron Paul and other candidates of like mind to grab the spotlight and win wide support that completely cuts across partisan lines. It is a hot issue, and it would be a shame not to run with it. . . . . "

Full article: http://www.freedom-force.org/freedomcontent.cfm?fuseaction=why_campaign&refpage=home

Related articles: http://www.votefraud.org/