View Full Version : Superbowl patriotism

02-04-2008, 12:15 PM
My message to the 500 people on my email list:

Before the superbowl yesterday, they played a very patriotic piece, actually reading the declaration of independence, and playing a short film of some of the founders signing it. It moved me, thinking of this great country and the ideals it represents. It also frustrated me to the point of rage.
Never before in my lifetime has there been a viable candidate that actually represents these ideals, and he is only polling 4% nationwide. What the F#*%.!!

Never has it been so important to get our country back on track, and get our govenment out of the hands of the politicians and special interests as it is this year, and we actually have an opportunity to do so and are letting it slip away. The Republican party is sabataging his efforts at every turn, which is akin to a sinking ship shooting torpedoes at the rescue boat. McCain! Oh dear lord. Wake up you morons! It's like welcoming bankruptcy and the North American Union with open arms.

So don't just watch people paying lip service to the constitution and acting out patriotic messages, get out and support someone who actually lives it with every fibre of his being.

There has never been a candidate with the proven voting record, and lifelong integrity, and devotion to the ideals that make this county great. It is absurd and shamefull to me that Americans are not supporting him just for those reasons, let alone his intelligence, and common sense.

Super Tuesday is tomorrow, so forward this to anyone you know in the States with upcoming elections, and support his campaign at www.ronpaul2008.com.

Ron Paul's latest newsletter.


We are still in this race. Here in Nevada, our State conventions are still coming up, and we will continue to fight to get as many delegates as possible. A lot can happen before the national convention. So don't give up.