View Full Version : Organization vs. party

02-03-2008, 11:07 AM
With a lot of people considering how to keep the movement alive after the election whether RP wins of not, I wanted to point out another option aside from political parties.

Here in NH we have the New Hampshire liberty alliance (http://www.nhliberty.org/), which is a non-partisan organization devoted to promoting liberty in our state and works pretty well. Rather than try and focus on party it's an option to organize in a non-partisan fashion and focus on promoting liberty in broader fashion, which a lot of people who don't care for political parties may be more comfortable with. The NHLA has a pretty good model for doing that so as opposed to supporting a particular party, which could splinter the movement, forming a national grassroots organization to work at the federal level and possibly affiliated state organizations to work at the level of the states is another option worth considering, so I thought I'd toss the idea out there.

Just my .02.