View Full Version : Hucks Army Hypocrits

02-01-2008, 05:29 PM
So I created an Account there. Some guy bashed us saying we sabatoged the ronpaulgraphs and called us paulbots ect.

All I typed that I was a paul supported and I did not think it was fair to bash us like this after all we took time to code in their canidates graphs to use for free. I said heres an olive branch and lets not call eachother names.. Guess what .. my message was erased and I was banned..

I like your christ but not your christians.

the Winner is (R0N P@uL)
02-01-2008, 05:31 PM
Huck's Army can march to Hell for all I care......

02-01-2008, 05:31 PM
So I created an Account there. Some guy bashed us saying we sabatoged the ronpaulgraphs and called us paulbots ect.

All I typed that I was a paul supported and I did not think it was fair to bash us like this after all we took time to code in their canidates graphs to use for free. I said heres an olive branch and lets not call eachother names.. Guess what .. my message was erased and I was banned..

I like your christ but not your christians.

Don't judge all Christians by the actions of a few.

02-01-2008, 05:50 PM
Christians aren't cowards - HucksArmy is terrified of the truth - what does that make them?

i have no respect for cowards.

02-01-2008, 05:51 PM
It's just funny how heavy that site is moderated. My post was actually a nice or neutral one. It got zoinked in minutes. We let anyone on here say whatever they want. Its nice not having anything to hide.

02-01-2008, 05:55 PM
It's just funny how heavy that site is moderated. My post was actually a nice or neutral one. It got zoinked in minutes. We let anyone on here say whatever they want. Its nice not having anything to hide.

yup, they are scared. Notice how we happily let them come over here, and post all they want. We don't ban or moderate them, we DEBATE them.

02-01-2008, 07:54 PM
We let anyone on here say whatever they want. Its nice not having anything to hide.

Like supporter like candidate? :D

02-01-2008, 08:10 PM
Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Im 99% convinced that the "Huck's Army" forum is actually an extension of the official Huck campaign. The heavy, zero tolerance to anything non-Huck praising, moderation is just another reason.

02-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Im 99% convinced that the "Huck's Army" forum is actually an extension of the official Huck campaign. The heavy, zero tolerance to anything non-Huck praising, moderation is just another reason.

Kind of like paying people to canvass and then calling it 'grassroots support'

02-02-2008, 12:01 AM
I have a confession to make. I am a hucksarmy troll. I go over there and say the most asinine, doublethink bullshit I can think of; and they eat it the fuck up. I've had several accounts there; the only personality that hasn't been banned is the one that (or so I thought) was the most obviously fake person I could come up. She (my fake person) constantly say shit like "Cleary MH is the only true conservative because he knows that the best way to protect people is by telling them what to do, such as with his smoking ban". They eat that up like nobodies business.

Here's the bottom line: nothing that happens at Huck's Army is a reflection of what real people think. Anyone who says anything remotely logical is banned, anyone who even seems to not have a blind furious devotion for huck is banned, anyone who doesn't believe that huck is the second fucking coming destined to rule the entire world is banned.

Seriously, mikehuckabeeforums.com often makes more sense.

02-02-2008, 12:09 AM
It's just funny how heavy that site is moderated. My post was actually a nice or neutral one. It got zoinked in minutes. We let anyone on here say whatever they want. Its nice not having anything to hide.

What do you think a Huck Presidency would look like?

02-02-2008, 12:35 AM
I know its not good form to gloat at other peoples' failures, but i post this to any HucksArmy members who by chance might be reading - read this post taken from your own board, and then compare it to what we have going on here at RonPaulForums. Can you honestly tell yourself that you have MORE support, MORE votes, and MORE contributors than we do? Seriously? Wake up before its too late!


We're working on a very large promotional campaign for the 12 states after super tuesday. We need to move cases of paper from the Philadelphia area to the various states such as Louisiana, etc. Shipping is going to cost several hundred dollars up to $1000 or more per shipment.

Is there a cheaper way to move this stuff?

Folks, we have to create an underground railroad to move this across state lines and we have to organize this quickly! If everyone can pick supplies up at their state line and carry it towards the next state line and hand it off, we can move this stuff. This is a very important project. We're going to reach upwards of 250,000 people!

Please chime-in if you can help move this stuff within your state. Personally, I can get this to Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland state borders (I'm in PA). We need help getting it to:

(in order of precedence)
Washington DC (help getting this through DE towards DC)
Maryland (I can be at the state border)
Ohio (need help going towards western PA)
Rhode Island

We can do this together with a little sacrafice!

and then....

I am very disappointed by the outcome of the printed voter guide campaign. It's not the hours and days I spent organizing this together with David and promoting this and trying to make this happen. What disappoints me is that there are some of us who are really trying to make a difference in this campaign and others who just along for the ride I guess, I don't know.

We had 20 RSVP's ....twenty.. out of over 500 meetup groups nationwide. Ten of those twenty backed out at the last minute. I know $115 is $115 but if we can't raise that little money in our meetups across the country then we are in serious trouble. Are we no longer motivated because of the media spin? What is it? Many of us are still pushing hard and I have probably pushed too hard while sacraficing the other responsibilities in my life.

Thanks to all who honestly believed and participated in this program. I'm sorry we couldn't reach a consensus to make it work.

I, for one, will now take a back seat and watch. It's time for me, personally, to stop trying so hard and for others to step up. Still care about the campaign? Still passionate about Gov. Huckabee and what he's trying to do? Prove it.
