View Full Version : I keep hearing Ron Paul is not strong on defense

02-01-2008, 02:52 PM
Who exactly do we have to be worried about? Iran?

What does "strong on defense" even mean? That we forcefully invade countries like Iraq who posed absolutely no threat to us at all? That is not strong on defense.

If the fear is terrorists, we should easily quote Dr. Paul and his comments about how he voted FOR going after those responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Namely Al Qaeda.

Iraq is not Al Qaeda.

We are being invaded by illegal immigrants. Not terrorists. We should be defending our borders, not somebody elses. We would help our economy and stop pissing people off on the other side of the world by our forceful invasions of other countries who posed no threat to us at all.

By the way... our "strategic national interests" that these other cookie cutter "conservatives" keep talking about is OIL. OIL is not a reason to invade another country.

02-01-2008, 02:54 PM
Yes, this is the #1 problem and we need to address it head on. Here's what I'm saying at


Ron Paul is military veteran who knows that, with all the danger in the world, our military should focus on protecting the United States not serving the United Nations.

When Ron Paul becomes President and eliminates the income tax
and be able to afford the MOST POWERFUL MILITARY ON EARTH.

02-01-2008, 02:58 PM
I think he definitely needs to point out that our defense mechanism is the Department of Defense, not Homeland Security. Why else is their a Department of Defense. Notice it's not The Department of Offense.. He supports a strong national defense through the use of the Department of Defense. Seems perfectly logical to me.:D

02-01-2008, 02:58 PM
ask them what soldiers in Iraq are defending. are they defending us property or us citizens or the notion that the US has to be a great nation and the world leader. "strong on defense" in most minds means favoring an military in service of an insane foreign policy and able to project force everywhere on the planet. but when we really needed defense on 9/11 the government failed. RP would ensure that sort of defense...of real us property and citizens would be strong.

02-01-2008, 02:58 PM
That's because people are stupid.

02-01-2008, 03:00 PM
Let someone try and attack America and you will see a swift and OMFG response from Dr. Paul. Remember Paul will not start a war, but he will respond with hell and fury and would never tie or troops hands behind their backs like Baghdad and Vietnam.

My friend as McCrap would say, there would be no more gosh awful and fierce fighter than Ron Paul. He is a quiet man and I feel sorry for any force that would threaten his beloved America and her people. If (%^ should hit the fan for us here we can only hope and pray that Paul is the commander in chief.

02-01-2008, 03:03 PM
Arm yourself with knowledge and talk about this issue.

This is what I keep hearing over and over and its time we started fighting back with factual information. There are people out there who have no clue what they're talking about. When you engage in this type of discussion, there is a 3rd party who listens but doesn't say anything. They are also being influenced by your discussions.

What they hear over and over, they will soon listen to.

02-01-2008, 03:05 PM
I keep hearing Ron Paul is not strong on defense

Are you kidding, hes the only one for a strong defense! The rest of the candidates are for a strong offense with no defense!

The One
02-01-2008, 03:06 PM
OP hit it on the head in the second sentence. Yes, the majority of the American people have been convinced that "strong on national defense"= military aggression against any country we can find an excuse not to like. Even worse, all the countries we seem to find an excuse not to like seem to be all the ones with oil.

02-01-2008, 03:07 PM
tell em when a Paul administration goes to war it goes for a surrender flag with all the might of the US military, and it wil not nationbuild and play nanny to an enemy. Its in, surrender and out.

02-01-2008, 03:13 PM
Ron Paul is for a very strong military, give them the Ronald Reagan quote about him.