View Full Version : Americans Don't Want To Hear The Truth

New Governor Of Alaska
02-01-2008, 11:41 AM
Hello, everyone. I am 100% for Ron Paul.

I find that most (if not all) Ron Paul supporters are pretty smart and intelligent people who want to discuss the REAL issues, who are not full of hot air and who are willing to fight to the end....

But not all Americans support Ron Paul, numbers prove it.

So... after watching debates, and campaign speeches of John McCain, Obama, Hillary, Mike Huckabee and especially Mitt Romney I came to conclusion that American people don't want to know the truth. All American people want is to hear how great America is and that Americans are very special nation who live in the best country in the world (and blah, blah, blah.........).

It just seems like people vote for someone who MAKES THEM FEEL GOOD....

And I am NOT suggesting that Ron Paul have to change his strategy and start preaching Everything is fine, USA#1, we will kick their asses message.

I just want to understand mentality of a typical voter.

Do you see what CNN and Fox News people usually discuss? They duscuss how the candidate LOOKED, the way he/she smiled and if the answer was "smart" enough, but they don't really get into country's problems.

These debates look like some sort of beauty contest actually.

What are your thoughts?

The One
02-01-2008, 11:44 AM
Americans Don't Want to Hear the Truth.....

And I say again.....

In other news, a bear was seen shitting in the woods today. Details at 10............

02-01-2008, 11:45 AM
it scares me so much every time I watch a post debate and they talked about how they looked and never mention that the candidate didn't even tell you how he would fix something in the 3 minutes that he spoke about a certain question. They always talk around the question

02-01-2008, 11:46 AM
Most Americans do not research the candidates, apart from the MSM.

That is real issue.

Most people vote for the candidate that the news says will win for their "party".

I used to think Fox News told the truth....until I started to seek the truth online.

New Governor Of Alaska
02-01-2008, 11:47 AM
They always talk around the question

Yes. They just know that people want to watch an interesting show....

02-01-2008, 11:48 AM
Well, you are right. The media trivializes the whole thing and avoids any serious discussion of the issues which should be most important to Americans - and most Americans appear to eat it up. But there is a reason that half of us never vote and it is precisely because of these things. They see the election as the charade it is and they know their concerns are not even a consideration in the whole thing and participation is an exercise in futility. All of that is precisely what Dr. Paul and his supporters are trying to change. I don't actually believe that Americans are stupid or sheep, but they are tired and hopeless in regard to changing anything. Dr. Paul has inspired all of us to start to believe we can.

02-01-2008, 11:48 AM
Like Jack Nicholson said-


02-01-2008, 11:51 AM
I run into this all the time calling into talk radio shows.

see here for an example from today


02-01-2008, 11:53 AM
right on New Governor of Alaska

02-01-2008, 11:57 AM
100% true. I once worked for a company where everyone looked professional and well groomed. Dressed to the hilt! But it was the most dyfunctional company I've ever worked for. My boss approached me oneday about the company website and went on and on about how nice it looked. But when I asked if it worked - she quickly said no. So to make a long story short - people seem to accept dysfunctional as long at it looks maaavelous.

02-01-2008, 12:01 PM
People are less likely to remember what a candidate said but more likely to remember how a candidate made them feel.

This is the key to the White House.


02-01-2008, 12:05 PM
Hi New Governor of Alaska,

I think you have a pretty good assessment of the situation.

I back Ron Paul 100% as well.

You are correct, though, that most Americans want to be told that things are great and don't really want to worry about our problems. Of course that may change if things in this country become really bad...

I think one reason our candidate isn't connecting with many Americans is because of the lack of coverage by the old media, but this will become less of an issue as the old media fades in the next few years(People watching TV is going down as well as Newspaper Subscriptions, while the use of the internet is going up).

Yes, the main cable outlets appeal to people's emotions. Sadly, the "group" is driven by emotions, and that is why propaganda is so effective at guiding the masses. That is true in short periods of time.

However, in the long term, our movement has the advantage. We are guided by the Constitution, sound philosophical ideas, and a moral principle of fairness. The manufactured ideas of the other candidates will fade just as fast as they caught the attention of the general public.

Win or lose, Ron Paul's freedom movement is going to continue.

02-01-2008, 12:05 PM
These very same problems faced the founders of this nation. Most people do not want to think, do not understand freedom and do not want it. The founders succeeded in spite of the sheep-like nature of the majority and so can we.

02-01-2008, 12:10 PM
They, the ignorant sheep, will soon realize the state of the union. When the economy goes south, and I mean a serious crash they will realize that they are or have made a serious mistake.

I am praying for a total collapse of this system.

It needs to get to this point for the people to realize. America is like a drug addict who doesn't want to deal with detox or the withdrawal so she keeps taking that hit. Not dealing with the issues at hand. The only time a drug addict finds sobriety is when they finally hit bottom. So bring it. I'm ready.

I've taken my IRA and converted them to Gold ( in hand). I have my food for a year, water and water filtration, greenhouse, weapons, seed, and a large network of friends who are doing the same.

When the shit hits the fan you can bet your bottom dollar that people are going to get desperate ......why? Because they are starving to death, their kids are starving and/or sick.

you all better get ready...... If Ron Paul doesn't win we are headed towards a total economic collapse.

02-01-2008, 12:14 PM
These very same problems faced the founders of this nation. Most people do not want to think, do not understand freedom and do not want it. The founders succeeded in spite of the sheep-like nature of the majority and so can we.

The founders were elite, unelected, white slave owners who told us every man is created equal, don't tell me shit about those fucks. This country is founded on sheeple being ignorant selfish assholes, END OF FUCKING STORY.

02-01-2008, 12:26 PM
The more out of control those in power get, the more people wake up and smell the coffee. The more the middle class disappears the more people start looking for answers. None of the current candidates but ours is anything but "business as usual". When the young get involved in politics during an age that, in good times, they are merely following their hormones, it's a sign that the tipping point is at hand--and the kids always lead the way.

Let us keep working at the Constitutional solution. It's so much less bloody. Thank you all. And remember, the fat lady don't sing 'till the end of the last recount!

02-01-2008, 12:28 PM
The founders were elite, unelected, white slave owners who told us every man is created equal, don't tell me shit about those fucks. This country is founded on sheeple being ignorant selfish assholes, END OF FUCKING STORY.Just because the founders didn't actually live up to or fully comprehend the principles they aspoused does not mean that the principles themselves are invalid. I suspect they knew they were something we were supposed to grow into. You will notice the founding principles of the revolution came directly from "the Enlightenment" and Rousseau and Voltaire. Even the French fell down in terms of living up to those principles. Everything gets distorted, but the principles are sound and true and they are where the principles of self government and self determination come from.

02-01-2008, 12:32 PM
There is some truth here. And just the simple fact that a lot of "selling" something has much to do with presentation and emotions. And while the media continue to marginalise RP this will be difficult to overcome.

But on the other hand there are many (and many politically active) Americans who want to hear the truth about a guy who would never, ever compromise their 1st or 2nd Amendment rights and would bring their children back from the Middle East and would cut their taxes (rather than just talk about it).

Everyday now I read some more "standard" republican sites such as free republic. Ron is growing in support and it's with a very specific angle - he is the only conservative left. Some even go on to say they disagree with Ron's foreign policy but they can't stomach the socialist/liberal leanings of McCain & Romney.

As soon as someone brings up "the gold standard" or neo-con links to the military industrial complex it gets messy. And it is unbelieveable how many people call Ron a liberal. They saw his foreign policy and nothing else.

My take - every anti-war Republican knows about Ron. As regards the bigger battle - linking empire to taxes and restrictions on freedom - that will have to be stressed over coming months. Over the next week our best shot is to not even talk about foreign policy. It is to point out that Ron, in stark contrast to the other 3, has a record to back up conservatism on:

No amnesty (make sure you say the words "McCain/Kennedy" ;))
No gun grabbing ever
Cutting taxes
Pushing a pro-life agenda

We need Republican votes. Ron's the most republican candidate. I urge everyone in a super-tuesday state to spend their remaining time to get as many average republicans out for Ron. It is unbelievable that every gun-owner in the country isn't voting for Ron. I am convinced much of it is because they've heard he is a liberal, his supporters call for him to team up with kucinich and talk about ending the military industrial complex.

(Before I get flamed - I do believe the military industrial complex distorts media reporting and controls much of the government - but say this to many republicans and they lump you with Clinton)

We need to stress how conservative Ron is. There are many people who know Romney and McAmnesty are RINOs.

02-01-2008, 12:32 PM
I believe this to be true. Especially after I was just talking to my sister on the phone about Ron Paul and she said I had been brainwashed and handed the phone back to my mom who supports Ron Paul. MY OWN SISTER who I have known for 43 years says I am brainwashed!:confused:
I wrote about this at Daily Paul: Ronald Regan won because he made us all feel good about America. Yeah, he got the message out about where this country was headed, but he inspired people with his message. The shining city on the hill, etc.
I love Ron Paul, and I think he has got the biggest set of !$%*#! of anybody in this country, and I believe 100% in his message, however a lot of uninformed people who won't take the time to look him up see the media portray him as an alarmist, saying things like Empire, Bankruptcy, Crashing, and flailing his arms about like a madman. Many "Americans" don't want to know the truth, and immediately dismiss his message. They want sweet nothings whispered into their ears, told they are great, America is Wonderful, were the best people on earth, etc.
Now, I believe in my heart that America still is the greatest nation on earth, and that the majority of Americans are wonderful, kind hearted people, I've met hundreds of them myself, and frankly, I don't want to wait for a crash to happen before people wake up. When and if a crash does happen, it may be too late.
I say temper down the alarmist message a bit but still get the message out, just with a positive approach. Remember the honey bee theory. Also the sheep are asleep, and sounding the alarm SCARES people and makes them want to hide and go back to sleep.
Please talk about how wonderful this great country is, how important the message of freedom is, appeal to peoples desires, inspire the sheep to want to follow, and they will follow in droves. It worked for Regan. I never once saw Regan flail his arms and say the dollar is crashing, and we are in bankruptcy.
This is just my opinion, I may be wrong. Please don't hate if I am. :)

New Governor Of Alaska
02-01-2008, 12:36 PM
People are less likely to remember what a candidate said but more likely to remember how a candidate made them feel.

This is the key to the White House.


That's exactly what I've said - ... after watching debates, and campaign speeches of John McCain, Obama, Hillary, Mike Huckabee and especially Mitt Romney I came to conclusion that American people don't want to know the truth. All American people want is to hear how great America is and that Americans are very special nation who live in the best country in the world (and blah, blah, blah.........).

It just seems like people vote for someone who MAKES THEM FEEL GOOD....

And I am NOT suggesting that Ron Paul have to change his strategy and start preaching Everything is fine, USA#1, we will kick their asses message.

I just want to understand mentality of a typical voter.

02-01-2008, 12:38 PM
The general public hears, even directly from Ron Paul, “bring our troops home”, and “abolish the Department of Education”, etc. Intuitively, to the general public, this sounds like a weaker America. In other words, it’s counterintuitive to believe reducing our presence in the world, and cutting government programs will make a stronger America. A result of too many years of Bush administration propaganda, with the media dishing it out.

The apathetic American, too lazy too think about, just wants to hear "Strong America, or "Kickass America"

02-01-2008, 12:39 PM
I would like to suggest that THEY ARE NOT STUPID!
They are however ignorant!
IGNORANCE does not equal STUPIDITY! Stupidity is calling someone stupid without even attempting to understand why.

We seriously need to look at where ignorance comes from!
Remember the "Silent majority", they are at around 100 million right now. They have chosen to be ignorant because it is no longer pleasurable to talk about politics, instead of respecting or at the least tolerating other people opinions everyone in each party and spectrum is giving off a attitude of "I'm right, you're wrong" or "You either with us or against us"
The reality is that the "Ignorants" are smart enough to know that there are not that many absolutes in the world and that through a open discussion is the only way to find real answers.

To this day I am still pissed off that Ron has not had a debate with Mike Gravel, most people don't understand what that debate would have done, it would have created the "Issue" of economic crisis well before we had one and help bring up all the other issues being ignored.
You may not believe me but I think the "Silent majority" would love to see something like that.

Deborah K
02-01-2008, 12:41 PM
Instead of focusing on politics and the issues, the MSM focuses on the politician. As a result, the sheeple think the best choice for President is the one who comes off the most 'Presidential'.

The MSM is the enemy.

02-01-2008, 12:44 PM
Most of the "conservatives" lamenting the collapse of conservatism still fail to even mention Ron Paul's name.

How much more in self-denial can they get?

02-01-2008, 12:51 PM
Could we also stop saying "Sheeple" ?
At this very moment there are millions of people calling US "sheeple" the whole debate of "I'm right your a sheeple" is what turns off people.

Could we actually figure out a way to get the message out and let them think for themselves? Rather than generalizing the problem to "sheeple"? Because I don't know how the %*&^ you get people to support you by calling them insulting names.

02-01-2008, 12:52 PM
I would like to suggest that THEY ARE NOT STUPID!
They are however ignorant!
IGNORANCE does not equal STUPIDITY! Stupidity is calling someone stupid without even attempting to understand why.

We seriously need to look at where ignorance comes from!
Remember the "Silent majority", they are at around 100 million right now. They have chosen to be ignorant because it is no longer pleasurable to talk about politics, instead of respecting or at the least tolerating other people opinions everyone in each party and spectrum is giving off a attitude of "I'm right, you're wrong" or "You either with us or against us"
The reality is that the "Ignorants" are smart enough to know that there are not that many absolutes in the world and that through a open discussion is the only way to find real answers.

I agree with this. If you think about it, many of us had been ignorant for a long time. Look at the support numbers increasing, here and meetup groups. The number of new donors are impressive. I've seen a lot of I support Bush and regret it posts. I, too was there for a few months in 2000. I sure couldn't think of a convert as formerly stupid. That might drive someone away. We're just not politically ignorant and more awake is all.

Edit: to add that my friend who supports McCain is a member of Mensa(high IQ) She's asleep. We try to wake her and she won't wake up

02-01-2008, 01:01 PM
Most of the "conservatives" lamenting the collapse of conservatism still fail to even mention Ron Paul's name.

How much more in self-denial can they get?

Someone make a cartoon:

GOP house burning down.

RP ready in fireman gear with huge, shiny firetruck with hoses labeled, "fiscal conservatism," "strong national defense," etc., tapping GOP voter/"homeowner" on shoulder with one hand and with other hand pointing thumb back at fire engine.

GOP voter complaining about his house going down in flames but ignoring RP, "Blah blah blah...not now, buddy, my house is burning down...blah blah blah!"


02-01-2008, 01:01 PM
My approach to people has been slow but found that it works most of the time.
People usually drop hint's about what they are feeling, like the economy or health care,
I start asking questions like "How would you feel if you could save more than you spend?"
Or "How would you feel if you had a doctor that had competitive rates?"
I don't force down the issue, just have a calm civil debate and hand them a Ron Paul business card. They may not instantaly say they support him, (in fact I would be worried if they did) but MY representation of Ron Paul may have done 100 time more that saying "I'm right your wrong"

02-01-2008, 01:14 PM
There is some truth here. And just the simple fact that a lot of "selling" something has much to do with presentation and emotions. And while the media continue to marginalise RP this will be difficult to overcome.

But on the other hand there are many (and many politically active) Americans who want to hear the truth about a guy who would never, ever compromise their 1st or 2nd Amendment rights and would bring their children back from the Middle East and would cut their taxes (rather than just talk about it).

Everyday now I read some more "standard" republican sites such as free republic. Ron is growing in support and it's with a very specific angle - he is the only conservative left. Some even go on to say they disagree with Ron's foreign policy but they can't stomach the socialist/liberal leanings of McCain & Romney.

As soon as someone brings up "the gold standard" or neo-con links to the military industrial complex it gets messy. And it is unbelieveable how many people call Ron a liberal. They saw his foreign policy and nothing else.

My take - every anti-war Republican knows about Ron. As regards the bigger battle - linking empire to taxes and restrictions on freedom - that will have to be stressed over coming months. Over the next week our best shot is to not even talk about foreign policy. It is to point out that Ron, in stark contrast to the other 3, has a record to back up conservatism on:

No amnesty (make sure you say the words "McCain/Kennedy" ;))
No gun grabbing ever
Cutting taxes
Pushing a pro-life agenda

We need Republican votes. Ron's the most republican candidate. I urge everyone in a super-tuesday state to spend their remaining time to get as many average republicans out for Ron. It is unbelievable that every gun-owner in the country isn't voting for Ron. I am convinced much of it is because they've heard he is a liberal, his supporters call for him to team up with kucinich and talk about ending the military industrial complex.

(Before I get flamed - I do believe the military industrial complex distorts media reporting and controls much of the government - but say this to many republicans and they lump you with Clinton)

We need to stress how conservative Ron is. There are many people who know Romney and McAmnesty are RINOs.

Nicely put

02-01-2008, 01:16 PM
Just because the founders didn't actually live up to or fully comprehend the principles they aspoused does not mean that the principles themselves are invalid. I suspect they knew they were something we were supposed to grow into. You will notice the founding principles of the revolution came directly from "the Enlightenment" and Rousseau and Voltaire. Even the French fell down in terms of living up to those principles. Everything gets distorted, but the principles are sound and true and they are where the principles of self government and self determination come from.

Why didn't they create a process for the public to create laws if they cared so much about democracy? Where's the 4th check and balance?

02-01-2008, 01:24 PM
We are moving from an age of Competition/Conflict to -------------> Cooperation/Benefit

There really is a change happening not only in ideas and policies, but in the very nature of space-time itself. It happens as naturally as the change of seasons and in fact is inseparable from the change of seasons.

02-01-2008, 01:32 PM
We are facing the time that the teachers, sages, and prophets of the past foresaw and spoke of.

02-01-2008, 01:40 PM
Dark_Horse_Rider I believe in that kind of idea, with the popularity of "Open Source" and spreading this idea into real life.

However there is danger in believing a magical age will come by itself from nature, we need to take action first.
We can debate later which came first
"the world wide paradime shift of awaking" or "the people that brought that awakening"

02-01-2008, 01:42 PM
Now, I believe in my heart that America still is the greatest nation on earth, and that the majority of Americans are wonderful, kind hearted people, I've met hundreds of them myself, and frankly, I don't want to wait for a crash to happen before people wake up.

As I foreigner I strongly disagree with the statement - my country is the greatest in the world - instead of the USA and we have the kindest people on earth ;)

And I have actually lived in the USA - to say that ;)

p.s. Just to tease this self admiration stuff a little - that Americans , especially less travelled Americans , so often have ;)

02-01-2008, 01:45 PM
Dark_Horse_Rider I believe in that kind of idea, with the popularity of "Open Source" and spreading this idea into real life.

However there is danger in believing a magical age will come by itself from nature, we need to take action first.
We can debate later which came first
"the world wide paradime shift of awaking" or "the people that brought that awakening"

Absolutely, our action is not separate from the changing time and is absolutely required.

02-01-2008, 01:49 PM
Now, I believe in my heart that America still is the greatest nation on earth, and that the majority of Americans are wonderful, kind hearted people, I've met hundreds of them myself, and frankly, I don't want to wait for a crash to happen before people wake up.

As I foreigner I strongly disagree with the statement - my country is the greatest in the world - instead of the USA and we have the kindest people on earth ;)

And I have actually lived in the USA - to say that ;)

p.s. Just to tease this self admiration stuff a little - that Americans , especially less travelled Americans , so often have ;)

Let's do our best now so we will not regret later !

02-01-2008, 01:51 PM
Americans who vote are fairly superficial. This is not a new phenomenon, Google "Warren G Harding". He was selected at a brokered convention because he had a deep voice and looked presidential. He was a borderline idiot, but as the famous quote about him goes (roughly) "By god, the sonofabitch just LOOKS like a president!"

There was a reason why originally in our Republic only landowners could vote.

02-01-2008, 02:10 PM
Someone make a cartoon:

GOP house burning down.

RP ready in fireman gear with huge, shiny firetruck with hoses labeled, "fiscal conservatism," "strong national defense," etc., tapping GOP voter/"homeowner" on shoulder with one hand and with other hand pointing thumb back at fire engine.

GOP voter complaining about his house going down in flames but ignoring RP, "Blah blah blah...not now, buddy, my house is burning down...blah blah blah!"


great idea, any cartoonists out there?

Forward this idea to the American Conservative Magazine?

02-01-2008, 03:05 PM
Americans who vote are fairly superficial. This is not a new phenomenon, Google "Warren G Harding". He was selected at a brokered convention because he had a deep voice and looked presidential. He was a borderline idiot, but as the famous quote about him goes (roughly) "By god, the sonofabitch just LOOKS like a president!"

There was a reason why originally in our Republic only landowners could vote.

I agree to some extent about that, but you also need to realize that there is a deliberate hate between candidates to promote such superficial points as "qualities of a leader"

There are people that vote on issue, but the candidates certainly make it hard for the voters to find those issues.

There is danger in bringing up the requirement of landownership, because land could become a commidty for control of government elections. This country brought to you by SONY, etc

I DO agree that there needs to be a solution to uneducated voters, something so simple as taking a test before voting could solve it.

And BTW welcome to the forum, just ignore the crazy people. :D