View Full Version : C-span Washing Journal Ron Paul

Hurricane Bruiser
08-06-2007, 05:56 AM
This morning on C-span's Washington Journal, they were taking callers about yesterdays debate and quite a number of Ron Paul supporters made it on the show and said some good things. There was an elderly lady that called and I think she did the best. Then they replayed a clip from Ron Paul talking about unconstitutional war and the wars in Vietnam and Korea. Good exposure.

08-06-2007, 06:32 AM
Listening to this is making me sick. ie. C-SPAN.

Ron Paul is the ONLY true conservative on the ticket!

08-06-2007, 06:38 AM
I was watching this also. It occurred to me when I heard the Ron Paul calls that probably the main audience for this show is people who are interested in politics but probably older and not getting much of their news from the internet. I think they have this call in show every morning, and last Friday I heard the host say that they don't screen the calls at all. I wonder if it would be counter productive for a lot of us to make an effort to call in on this show to demonstrate that Ron Paul's supporters are real people and not just a script that someone wrote to digg articles.

08-06-2007, 06:43 AM
I thought about this Saturday morning I believe it was when I was watching cspan. I think that would be a great idea just as long as no one gets on there a makes a fool of themselves and Ron Paul. Just stick to the issues and talk in a calm cool manor.

Hurricane Bruiser
08-06-2007, 06:48 AM
There was about 6 callers for Ron Paul in the 15 minutes I was watching. Mostly younger callers but at least one older person.

08-06-2007, 06:57 AM
Now, a few of these idiots are calling in bowing to the almighty government on surveillance powers. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????????????