View Full Version : If this doesn't ruffel your feathers...

08-06-2007, 01:02 AM
So I'm in a debate with some, what I like to call fairly uninformed acquaintances, and I speaking to RP's ideals and we got off on the Fed and the IRS. I'll let you read the below and let you judge for yourself. I really don't think this guy gets how harmful the Fed really is and since apparently he believes what our government tells us because they never lie to us and never keep anything a secret oh and they never take our liberties away... and the links below in his post yep i've read them... the pdfs.. yeah they just go to prove a point.

I originally wrote a very long post explaining that the IRS was created by Lincoln, who created a post equivalent to IRS chief and that the Fed's board of governors is public information and easy to find. It even had citations, which is how you prove you understand what you're talking about and go a lot farther than talking about a vale covering people's eyes and daring people to open their minds if they... um... dare.

Personally I was surprised to be told I have a wide river valley covering my eyes. I mean, why didn't anyone ever mention it before? Then again, when a crazy person says it, I'm not going to disagree.

But then I realized no one really gives a shit about all this. This is a nutbar conspiracy theory and that's it.

As it turns out, I'm very glad Jay is standing up for Ron Paul with such passion. What better way to illustrate how crazy Ron Paul is than to have Jay be his cheerleader?

Here's my backup in case anyone wants to check me on this:

For real fun times, here's a couple of letters sent to a crank kind of like Jay patiently explaining how the IRS was created:

Do you even know why the Fed was established and the IRS? If you knew any of the history behind it you would be pissed as hell.Now that I've looked it up, I can say, no, not that pissed. Not at all, actually. Kind of OK with it, to be honest. A little bored, maybe. Perhaps just a general settling in of learning and information. Nothing risible though and definitely not pissed.

Maybe it's the wide river valley covering my eyes. It is quite serene, now that you mention it. Like having a Cezanne painted on inside my sunglasses.

Like this one:
Ahhh. Yeah, that's the one.

08-06-2007, 04:40 AM
Yeah, cause Lincoln was such a great emperor?

This guy is fucking clownshoes, man. Have him read Thomas DiLorenzo. Or, better yet, just don't bother wasting time on him. If he's so enamored of the IRS, he can keep paying it.