View Full Version : YouTube Race Baiter

01-31-2008, 06:26 PM
:mad:This is what I got in my YouTUbe account today...I wonder if he is doing it en masse.

From: LoonyRonPaul [videos (37) | favorites (30) | friends (1)]

Sent: January 31, 2008
Subject: Ron Paul would allow State segregation and a return to Jim Corw laws
Message: Yes, Ron Paul is the only Republican who opposes the War in Iraq, and I'm glad that he's knocking some sense into the GOP.

However, Ron Paul also opposes:
the 1964 Civil Rights Act
affirmative action
hate crime laws

Ron Paul is supported by:
David Duke
Ku Klux Klan

and has refused to repudiate their support.

He published eponymous newsletters which pandered to racists for over ten years - never printed a retraction, never apologized - and now claims that he simply wasn't aware of the contents.

Some of the newsletters listed the editor as Lew Rockwell, who Ron Paul still associates with today.

Lew Rockwell runs a Neo-Confederate website praising Ron Paul.

Ron Paul also has ties to the John Birch Society which is a Neo-Confederate organization.

He recently spoke at Bob Jones University, which banned inter-racial dating.

A Ron Paul Administration would allow States to return to the days of Jim Crow laws - there are still plenty of people in the South who want to do just that, and they support Ron Paul.

Democrats oppose the Iraq War, which is why Hillary Clinton will not be the nominee.

However, unlike Ron Paul, we also oppose returning to the days of State segregation and the Confederate States of America.

Please keep this in mind.

01-31-2008, 06:28 PM
yep you can thank dailykos