View Full Version : Asking for your help on another forum

01-31-2008, 04:59 PM
Alright, here's the case. I've got a friend who recently opened a WoW forum. He's pretty popular in the online mmorpg world, so I figured it would be pretty good to have him on our side to push this effort ahead on that popular front. Recently, we've been talking more and more about politics and he's come to like the views of Ron Paul.

A couple days ago, he decided to create a thread on his forum titled Ron Paul 2008 showing his appreciation for our candidate. His girlfriend, however, has a differing opinion, and as an intelligent young woman, she has no problem voicing them. Since he's fairly new to politics, I wanted to come here and ask for some help from you guys to help spread the message more clearly on the board.

Here are some of the arguments against a Ron Paul presidency:

Now, in political campaigns, these "never voted" are simply "half-promises" which put no pressure on the politician to stick to their previous resolutions to never vote against, persay, taxes. Saying that they "never voted", my love, is not saying anything at all except that they have never voted on it before. This is no future promise. It probably means entirely the opposite, as if they are unwilling to promise not to raise taxes (which they will, they will have to) and instead say they have "never voted" it means they are unsure/know they will need to. Do NOT base any voting decisions on "never voted."

Teehee, and aren't we all utopian socialists on crack. First of all, the rest of the world does not terrorize the US and the US is not a victim - it is simply a couple few middle eastern states. Secondly, using the word "policing" is incredibly ironic for a campaign to say if you took it from Ron Paul's official site because people need police and the law to prevent, at least, rampant chaos. That leads into my next point. The US is forcing their will upon the rest of the world, but reflect on what would happen if they didn't. Are people content to allow the Rwanda concentration camps to continue? Are people happy to do nothing about the mistreatment and abuse of women in the Middle East? (this is a hot topic, I won't really go there much) Should dictators, like Hitler, be allowed to come into power (as they have in the past recently in Uganda) or should the US intervene? In a world where smiling flowers grow and pigs fly, humans won't be self-serving and ambitious and can live together in perfect harmony. But in the real world, "friendly negotiation" just doesn't work when convincing conniving corrupt leaders to give up all their power in favor of their people.

Although he may have voted against the war, what many people are not seeing/realizing is that the US cannot leave Iraq now. What people do realize is that the US has taken vast amounts of oil from Iraq and made a military base of the area. What they aren't factoring into account is that the US is in a major recession right now. Inflation is killing house prices and the stock market is plunging downwards. Do we really need to give up oil resources when our market is failing? Uh, no. Not unless we want another depression and end up in World War III...

On that rather interesting note, China is also heading towards a stock market recession as inflation is going through the roof. China's industrial boom is fueling the rest of the world right now (cheap labor, etc) so prepare for a whole lot of shit when it does go down.

My message in general is not that Ron Paul is the wrong candidate, but there are many more issues that people don't realize. We cannot withdraw troops, as nice as it would be, without facing serious economic disaster in the near future. The Iraq war, unfortunately, was well thought out by the leaders: both a military base in the unstable/potentially dangerous middle east, and a source of resources. Please don't vote someone in that will kill the stock market, please?

I don't wanna sound like I'm putting him down BUT...he's never gonna win. he's too far too liberal and radical for the country as a whole.... :/

EDIT: if we abolish taxes how will the gov. have money? It'll be like the articles of confederation all over again.......

• The Rich Pay for Federal Government
• Concluded from released information:
Corporate taxes, social security taxes, constitutional revenues such as excise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, tires, etc., tariffs on trade, military hardware sales, income taxes, and some minor categories constitute of about one half of congress's budget as the congress is forced to put a high percentage of their earnings from taxes into the National Treasury. Since congress is unable to account for the other half of its budget that they use, they take from the National Treasury and thus create National Debt which is some very high number like $ 12 trillion.

^ What does that mean? That means that, with all the transfers of payments required through the usage of banks and because of the interest rate Congress has gathered up over the years, there is $ 1 trillion of debt merely in INTEREST to American banks per year. Since 1 trillion accounts for two thirds of the American taxes in 1988, there is only one-third left to spend on: a. transfer payments between banks, and b. finally use it on the tax payers.

• The official corrupt law for Congress itself [and their abilities borrowing] made short:

Congress's role is to...Lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States, but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States, borrow Money on the credit of the United States...

So. Uh, anyway, how exactly does Mr. Ron Paul plan to account for $1 trillion of interest (higher, by now, as banks demand 9.4 %) without taxing income taxes which account for a high portion of the taxes vs a very low amount through sales tax? Check my first table, sales tax in Canada are about 5 % and in the US I don't know what they are. BUT, what I do know is: my parents, with their high income, are getting about 40 % tax on their income. 5 % vs 40 %... hmm... that doesn't translate.

These laws hit the richest hard, but unfortunately, due to a useless government, you can't get rid of income tax. It would be considered an assault on the rights of companies if the government tried to cancel out the debt owed at 9.4 % to banks and at the same time cancel income tax. Ron Paul, for all his 'economic' background, seems to be a little loopy if hes considering doing that.

He's allowed guest posts through my request so that you guys can post more easily and get straight to the point without having to register. The thread is here:


So what do you guys say? Each and every newcomer is one less opponent in the Ron Paul revolution.

01-31-2008, 07:21 PM
Let's take a closer look at two issues raised: Raising taxes and these 'conniving, corrupt leaders' whose existence require that the US have 700 military bases in 130 countries around the globe...

I'll just list the dictators (many of whom overthrew Democracies with US and GB blessing, money, training, etc.) who were installed by and paid by our government through loans, CIA black bankrolls or a piece of the action of the exploitation their country's natural resources.

Abacha, General Sani ----------------------------Nigeria
Amin, Idi ------------------------------------------Uganda
Banzer, Colonel Hugo ---------------------------Bolivia
Batista, Fulgencio --------------------------------Cuba
Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal ----------------------------Brunei
Botha, P.W. ---------------------------------------South Africa
Branco, General Humberto ---------------------Brazil
Cedras, Raoul -------------------------------------Haiti
Cerezo, Vinicio -----------------------------------Guatemala
Chiang Kai-Shek ---------------------------------Taiwan
Cordova, Roberto Suazo ------------------------Honduras
Christiani, Alfredo -------------------------------El Salvador
Diem, Ngo Dihn ---------------------------------Vietnam
Doe, General Samuel ----------------------------Liberia
Duvalier, Francois --------------------------------Haiti
Duvalier, Jean Claude-----------------------------Haiti
Fahd bin'Abdul-'Aziz, King ---------------------Saudi Arabia
Franco, General Francisco -----------------------Spain
Hitler, Adolf ---------------------------------------Germany
Hassan II-------------------------------------------Morocco
Marcos, Ferdinand -------------------------------Philippines
Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez ---El Salvador
Mobutu Sese Seko -------------------------------Zaire
Noriega, General Manuel ------------------------Panama
Ozal, Turgut --------------------------------------Turkey
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza ---------------Iran
Papadopoulos, George --------------------------Greece
Park Chung Hee ---------------------------------South Korea
Pinochet, General Augusto ---------------------Chile
Pol Pot---------------------------------------------Cambodia
Rabuka, General Sitiveni ------------------------Fiji
Montt, General Efrain Rios ---------------------Guatemala
Salassie, Halie ------------------------------------Ethiopia
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira --------------------Portugal
Somoza, Anastasio Jr. --------------------------Nicaragua
Somoza, Anastasio, Sr. -------------------------Nicaragua
Smith, Ian ----------------------------------------Rhodesia
Stroessner, Alfredo -----------------------------Paraguay
Suharto, General ---------------------------------Indonesia
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas -----------------------Dominican Republic
Videla, General Jorge Rafael ------------------Argentina
Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ----------------------Pakistan

Details: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/US_ThirdWorld/dictators.html

Let's not forget our buddy Saddam, who received money, weapons and intelligence from the good ole USA in his war against Iran, or our newest pal, Osama Bin Laden, for whom the CIA was given a 'blank check' to train and arm his Mujahidin.

In every case, the USA took yours and my paycheck deductions to pay for these atrocities, and when that wasn't enough they had Congress instruct the Treasury to borrow what was needed and placed that debt in your name with the Treasury, and when the loans ran out, they had Congress instruct the Federal reserve System to use the government printing offices to print the money, for which the privately owned 'Fed' gladly charges us interest while the money makes our savings worth less.

Unlike the American public, who are better versed in the contestants of American Idol, the lives and times of Anna Nichole, Britney, Paris, OJ, but can't find Iraq on a globe, the peoples who inhabit the countries 'we' have ravaged are not at all ignorant as to what went on and why. Lots of unrest, poor and pissed off people in our wake.

As far as the rather insane argument that just because Ron Paul has never (as in never once in twenty years of federal budget voting) voted for an unbalanced budget or a tax increase, it doesn't mean he won't offer an unbalanced budget as President, because 'he has to' well...that's pure conjecture based on nothing (especially not the facts of the matter). It's like saying that George Bush will present a balanced budget, even though he is responsible for nearly $4 trillion of our $9 trillion national debt, because he has to.

As commander in chief, he would have absolute authority to bring our troops home and begin closing bases. The example he gives is the difference of 10 years, 60,000 lives lost and $750 billion in debt in quarter-of-a-century-war-torn-Vietnam (which lost 3 million lives) vs the peace, trade and prosperity enjoyed by the US and Vietnam today (and remember, the US was a creditor nation back then. The US is the world's largest debtor nation today). Is Vietnam more stable today than it was during our invasion or less stable?

The hundreds of billions saved would be put to use in presenting a truly balanced budget (unlike Clinton's where he simply raided the SS Trust Fund to 'balance' the books, a prime reason it faces insolvency today), with a surplus to allow for the rescue of the bankrupt Social Security 'Trust' Fund and to announce permanent tax cuts.

Please realize what it would mean to the US economy. We have labored under almost $500 billion dollar deficits for 8 years under Bush. The current 'stimulus package' calls for $155 billion to juice the economy out of the jaws of a recession. See the significance yet? If the current $9 trillion debt was capital actually available to the economy instead of being sucked out of the capital pool as government debt, we'd all be so much more prosperous it boggles the mind to think of it.

Peace, prosperity and liberty. It's such a simple and doable plan that the media (which is owned by the arms dealers Westinghouse, General Electric and Murdoch, who sympathizes with the arms dealers) has had to spin it as 'too radical' for 'most Americans to grasp'. They've had to conspire to keep Ron Paul out of American households at all costs. The last debate is a perfect example. The only reason Ron was allowed into the debate (and all previous debates after the May 5, 2007 debate in SC) is because his supporters have boycotted, e-mailed, protested, marched and called by the tens of thousands, yet the result? Romney: 25+ minutes, McCain: 23+ minutes and Ron: 6+ minutes, interrupted each of the 4 times he was allowed to partially answer a question.

Ron Paul will not raise taxes, borrow money or print money in excess of GDP, in any capacity...ever. He's written 6 books on economics. He got into politics 30+ years ago because of his interest in economics and because of seeing the direction the US was headed, economically, after the removal of our dollar from the Bretton Woods gold standard in 1971. It's OK to say you disagree with his policy, but it's actually insulting to proclaim he will raise taxes because 'he'll have to', or any other reason.
