View Full Version : Just watched "Liberty: The American Revolution"

01-31-2008, 04:07 PM
This is aimed at those who have watched this film, or those with a wealth of knowledge concerning the founding fathers or the American Revolution. I am a bit ashamed to admit that until recently I knew virtually nothing about the early years of our country so my observations may be short-sighted or flat out wrong, and I want you to correct me.
In school I learned about the farmers with pitchforks fighting the English army, but now I've learned that prominent colonial English supporters that changed their allegience were responsible for the mobilization and organization of the freedom movement.
In the case of the Ron Paul revolution it seems that our method is organizing from the bottom to the top.
For THIS freedom movement to be successful do we need high level politicians or businessmen and women to "see the light"?
If not, what can we do to keep the freedom movement in the limelight, even when there is not a presidential race going on?