View Full Version : For those who have any doubts . . .

01-31-2008, 02:29 PM
In case you all have any doubts about what our military presence overseas is really about Mitt Romney summed it up rather well:

What we have today in the world is four major, if you will, strategies at play. One, they're the nations with the energy, like Russia. They're trying to use energy as a way to take over the world.

Then there's China, which is saying we're going to use communism, plus sort of a Wild West form of a free enterprise. We're going to give nuclear weapons -- or nuclear technology to the Iranians, we're going to buy oil from the Sudanese. You've got China.

Then you've got al Qaeda, which says we want to bring everybody down.

And then finally there's us, the only major power in the world that says we believe in free enterprise and freedom for the individual. And this great battle is going on right now, and it's essential for us to strengthen other friends like ourselves, and to confront one by one these other strategies and help turn them towards modernity so that the world our kids inherent does not have to know war.

Will there be war? Of course there will always be terrible events in the world. But let's do everything in our power to keep war from occurring. Move these voices of moderation and having such strength in our own military that people never question our ability to respond.

Source: CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/01/30/GOPdebate.transcript/)

In other words we're trying to stop these other nations or groups from gaining any sort of power and turning them over to our view of things. In a word this is about what the British Empire did. The British Empire tried to stop countries like Germany, Russia, and the United States from rising to prominence and at the same time tried to hold down anti-imperialist movements against them, trying to insure any shift in the balance of power was in favor of the British.

We've really been doing this since 1945. The Cold War was more or less a manufactured conflict to give us ample excuses to exert our control over countries and prevent any shift in the balance of power against us and insure that all shifts were in our favor.

The end of the Cold War presented a new challenge because we no longer had a visible boogeyman to justify our imperial escapades. Now we have "terrorism" after 9-11 to justify wars and military buildups. The fact most of our new weapons are only useful or apparently intended for nations like Russia and China should help everyone understand what the "War on Terror" is really about.

It's nice to know Romney is at least honestly saying what our government's real goals are, to rule the world.