View Full Version : Save Money = Change The System

01-31-2008, 01:53 PM
Here's my take on how to succeed in this Revolution:

Who controls the media? Big Business.
Who controls the government? Big Business.

In order to have a "Revolution" we need to let Big Business know that we as consumers are in control. We control what we buy, when we buy it, and how much we buy.

We need a boycott. Not just a boycott of specific sponsors, a boycott of the luxuries in life. We need to save money, stop overconsuming, and put our money in local community banks. No more money in the stock market or big banks. We need to base our Revolution around saving money and being frugal.

The recession we are seeing in our economy is based on people over-consuming. There's no savings anymore, it's all bought on credit. We need to get out from under our debt.

We need to show that this recession can be prolonged NOT because we don't have money to spend, but because we CHOOSE NOT TO BUY things that aren't necessary.

If there's one thing that Big Business listens to, it's their quarterly reports. It would need to be known that the recession would be prolonged due simply to a MASSIVE number of unified citizens saying "We aren't gonna take this anymore! You are here because of us!"

Calling sponsors and news stations is mainly seen as a scare tactic. We need this to be an organized, long-term effort.

Our nation has been corrupted by Big Business and the Banks for almost 100 years. If it's all about money, we need to band together in a much larger group than we currently have, and let them know that we are in control of the money.

The American revolution started the same way. It started with a boycott due to unjust taxes. We need to adopt the same principles and take back our country

01-31-2008, 01:57 PM
Yeah you are right, WE the People hold the real power. It's kinda happening right now. Things a been quiet.

01-31-2008, 02:48 PM

We need to stop buying shit!

Stop going to Starbucks
Stop eating Fast Food
Stop buying new TV's
Stop buying DVD's
Stop going to movies
Stop driving so damn much!
Stop buying expensive clothes
Stop buying new cars
Stop drinking and smoking
Stop buying bottled water

Start eating in more
Start conserving energy
Start exercising
Start reading books
Start supporting local businesses
Start volunteering
Start buying things used
Start carpooling

Our Government, Big Business, and the Media need to know that we as consumers hold the power!

01-31-2008, 04:04 PM
We are heading into a new time. We need to be ready, and have foresight about the direction world events will take. Time will fly by like a dream in days, then hours, then minutes, as the old order crumbles.

01-31-2008, 04:10 PM
You know banks currently are negative in their reserves? Requirements used to be 1%, now it's going negative.

So if everyone in America went to the bank to withdraw money the system would go Kaput.

You save, they just use your money to create new money.

01-31-2008, 04:13 PM
You know banks currently are negative in their reserves? Requirements used to be 1%, now it's going negative.

So if everyone in America went to the bank to withdraw money the system would go Kaput.

You save, they just use your money to create new money.

Save it under your mattress.

01-31-2008, 04:13 PM

Dave Ramsey has been the guru of living beneath one's means for years.

Hopefully he will come around to endorsing Ron Paul.

01-31-2008, 04:23 PM
Save it under your mattress.
It's a piece of paper :)
Buy gold and then put it under your mattress.