View Full Version : Caller on Mark Larsen "Ron Paul should be less whiney on foreign policy = votes"

01-31-2008, 01:07 AM

Go to about 14:00

A caller says Ron Paul would get a ton more votes if he simply changed his tone (Not his message). He needs to be less whiney.

I like this idea. I think Ron needs to make it clear that an attack on the United States will not be tolerated and if the congress declares war he will use the full force of the military to defend the US.

He needs to change his tone a little. NOT THE MESSAGE.

01-31-2008, 01:15 AM
I agree 100%. His vocal sound is bad and you never want to criticize the USA when you are running for president. For the 100th time...Ron needs a debate coach.

We've got the best man with the best policies. Now we just need to run the best campaign.

01-31-2008, 01:18 AM
OMG, this pisses me off. RON IS WHO HE IS. He's 72 years old, and he's not going to change. Nor should he. People like Ron because he's authentic.

01-31-2008, 01:19 AM
I sort of agree with this. He doesn't sound whiny to me, he sounds as if he is stating something that should be common sense...so a little condescending I guess. I think that it is the exact tone that Americans should be forced to hear as if they were children who had just done something wrong though.

Unfortunately, that doesn't win votes. I do however think that he has a plan in all of this, and I doubt it relies on anything related to the MSM such as a debate.

01-31-2008, 01:22 AM
OMG, this pisses me off. RON IS WHO HE IS. He's 72 years old, and he's not going to change. Nor should he. People like Ron because he's authentic.

ya i can't help but agree, to me he's our collective conscience and the authenticity of the man is what is just so appealing about him.

01-31-2008, 01:24 AM
yeah i like ron cause he's not plastic. anyone that votes on vocal inflection and not the message is a god damn moron....AMERICA AMERICA!!!

01-31-2008, 01:31 AM
OMG, this pisses me off. RON IS WHO HE IS. He's 72 years old, and he's not going to change. Nor should he. People like Ron because he's authentic.

I agree 100% it is not only his message - but his sincerity that got me! Please dont change doc!

01-31-2008, 01:35 AM
I agree 100% it is not only his message - but his sincerity that got me! Please dont change doc!

I don't want him to change his natural tone either, but I weigh that up with getting more votes, and I prefer getting more votes.

01-31-2008, 01:37 AM
He doesn't sound whiny to me, he sounds as if he is stating something that should be common sense...so a little condescending I guess.

I personally think it's a bit of exasperation and a lot of passion - my tone gets the same exact way!

01-31-2008, 02:05 AM

Go to about 14:00

A caller says Ron Paul would get a ton more votes if he simply changed his tone (Not his message). He needs to be less whiney.

I like this idea. I think Ron needs to make it clear that an attack on the United States will not be tolerated and if the congress declares war he will use the full force of the military to defend the US.

He needs to change his tone a little. NOT THE MESSAGE.

What he needs to do is call the pricks out !!!
romney is an elitist and doesn't give 2 shits about the people!
and mccain is a warmongering prick ! If he gave a shit about the veterans he wouldn't be trying to start all these damn wars!

not to mention both the A$$holes are gonna break this country! if by some miracle they could beat the democrats!

My god what is wrong with the republican party why won't they WAKE THE F UP!!
70% of the people against the war!
why don't they wake up and get behind a candidate who is electable!