View Full Version : Ron will run as long as we send him money -- we control his legs.

Matthew Zak
01-30-2008, 08:45 PM
So let's not quit sending him money. Let's send him money until every vote is counted and he's elected. Let's send him a few dollars for every time they blatantly cut him off, smeared him and marginalized him. Let's send him a few bucks for every freedom the government has taken from us. Let's send him some money for every percentage our dollar has lost compared to the gold standard dollar. Let's send him a few bucks for every ignorant jerk who is voting for Romney because he's good looking. Let's send him a few bucks for every distorted mass of sh*t coming out of McCain's mouth.

If Ron can't win the nomination, let's send him enough money to take over the election via independent run. Let's vow to take him as far as we possibly can. Let's also vow to write his name in when/if applicable. It's all Ron Paul from here on out.

Matt Collins
01-30-2008, 09:37 PM
Good analogy.

Ron said he would quit when his supporters quit donating time and money.

01-30-2008, 09:38 PM
Well , in that case his legs are getting mighty stronger as the donations have swelled in the past 3 days.

01-30-2008, 09:50 PM
Very true!

01-30-2008, 09:54 PM
yeah, Ron Paul for the Long Haul

01-30-2008, 09:55 PM
I like how Ron is the only one who wears sneakers with his suits.