View Full Version : I Would Like Everyone To Read This

01-30-2008, 02:21 PM
I know this doesn't apply to most people on this message board but I wrote this a few days ago and would like to share it with all of you. It is my frustration of the American way of life and the lack of people willing to support Ron Paul and their refusal to stand up for liberty and freedom.

Welcome to America. Welcome to our generation. The first in history to be completely care free, completely oblivious to all outside threats, and all internal truths.

We were born into a lie and unless we wake up from it, we will die in one as well. We were not meant to be consumers, this isn't how human beings live. We are like cattle herded to work meaningless jobs, go home to fatten up on meaningless tv programs, then go out to spend our paychecks on meaningless items so we go broke only to work harder at our meaningless jobs to buy even more meaningless things!

This lifestyle is toxic to the very essence of what it is to be human. We as a species cannot find happiness in cycles that spiral out of control into endless consumption. This lifestyle leads to apathy in all other modes of life.

Don't believe me? Ask yourself what you know about this world right now? Can you find Iraq on a map? Do you even care about the fact that over 3,200 American soldiers died, and over 100,000 were wounded, as in they lost arms or legs. 665,000 innocent Iraqi civilians are also dead.

How much do you know about the current problems facing America.....the borders, the national ID you will be required to have in 2008, the corporate control of the media, the extensive loss of freedom you have suffered as a result of the Patriot Act.

Maybe none of this matters to you. Maybe our narcissistic generation needs to understand how things will directly affect them. So here is a nice neat quick outline for you.

2002 - Patriot Act takes away your right to defend yourself if the government accuses you of a crime.

2003 - We go to war with Iraq

2006 - Real ID Act of 2008 is passed. In 2008 every American will be processed into a national government database of information to track any American at any time.

So what does it all mean? Why don't you ask the Germans who after World War 1 created a constitution based on the United States constitution.

Why not ask the Germans what happened when Hitler was elected....the endless war he started against "terrorists who threaten germen security" the newly created gestapo created to protect Germans the same way "Homeland Security" has been created to protect Americans.

It is a slippery slope from a willingness to give up freedom for safety, to slipping right into Fascism.

Where has our country gone, what has happened to its people? Have we fallen so far from the tree of liberty that we are now willing to accept the first thing we see infront of us, rather than the truest thing which may come last?

Why have Americans abandoned their responsibility to protect and uphold freedom and liberty. Hundreds of thousands of brothers, sisters, mother and fathers haven given their lives to preserve something that most Americans cannot or will not devote even a few minutes of their time to get informed about.

Is it to be believed that mankind is destined to be ruled by dictators who hold an iron grip on the people? Is this what not only Americans but all mankind wishes? America had been given a gift that every other nation's people in the world have dreamed of since the dawn of humanity, and in less than 20 generations have squandered it.

Why is it that mankind has such a short memory of the evils that have taken place in the world. Have our founders not gone out of their way to ensure all Americans would know how to spot a loss of their freedom, and have they not done everything they could to make sure that even if freedom was eroding away, that the people would have some means to bring it back by force.

How can any American look themselves in the mirror and say they are ok with doing nothing? We may be living in the present, but our actions have consequences for the future. And every single American who does nothing now, has the blood of future generations on their hands. That is right, if you refuse to be apart of making this country a better place, you are no better than a murderer because you condemn our children, and their children to a world that is destined to warfare and greater sacrifice than we would have had to face if only we chose not to be apathetic.

We haven been given a chance like no other nation in history! Fight for your beliefs, stand up and be heard, even if nobody agrees with you. For nobody will come and take your life for the words you speak because hundreds of thousands of Americans have shed their blood so that you may speak out without fear.

Nations, like people, are born, get sick, grow old, and most times die. Are you willing to let our country fade into the abyss, and its message of freedom fade into the forgotten texts of history.

In 6000 years of modern human existence only one truely free nation has emerged. Are you willing to let that die so that you don't have to do some work to preserve it? Are you willing to make excuses as to why you are not willing to take a stand and say that you will not accept the loss of freedom in this nation.

Remember that history is written by the victors and if that is to be the case, then should we lose our rights and our liberties, our history may well be written out of the history books completely, and no such free nation may ever exist again!

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." – Martin Luther King Jr.

"There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpation." – James Madison

“The Catch-all phrase: the war on terrorism in all honesty has no more meaning than if one wants to wage a war against criminal ‘gangsterism’. Terrorism is a tactic, you can’t have a war against a tactic. It’s deliberately vague and non-definable in order to permit a perpetual war, anywhere and in any circumstances.

Don’t forget, the Iraqis and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with any terrorist attack against us, including that on 9/11. Special interests and the demented philosophy of conquest have driven most wars throughout all of history. Rarely has the cause of liberty as it was in our own revolution been the driving force.” - Dr. Ron Paul

01-30-2008, 02:42 PM
well said. thank you.