View Full Version : Idea for a political cartoon

01-30-2008, 08:02 AM
If anyone out there is a good artist, maybe they could draw this and get it online or in a newspaper to make the point.

First Panel: Two men are in a GOP HQ office. One is holding the latest polls reporting to one behind a desk. The one with the poll says, "The latest polls have some good news and some bad news."

Second Panel: The man reporting says, "The bad news is that 75% of Republicans support Ron Paul for president." The man behind the desk looks shocked.

Third Panel: The man reporting says, "The good news is 70% of Republicans won't vote for him because they don't think he can win." The man behind the desk looks relieved.

I hope this make some sense to some artist who can do this, for I feel that this is one of the biggest reasons Dr. Paul isn't getting the votes he should. People want to vote for a winner.