View Full Version : Majority of Republicans want war, amnesty, and open borders

Join The Paul Side
01-30-2008, 03:59 AM
That's the only reason I can think of why so many Americans are voting for John McCain. War, Amnesty for illegal immigrants, and Open Borders are McCain's platform and they are voting for him in massive numbers. No wonder this nation is going down the toilet. Outside of our circle, Americans just don't give a damn about this country or our dollar anymore. :mad:

01-30-2008, 04:01 AM
The GOP stands for war, big-government, amnesty and "moral policing" now.

01-30-2008, 04:03 AM
Yes. That is one of the reasons why we are going to take the party back. Then, we will take our country back. :)

01-30-2008, 04:18 AM
The bulk of Republicans want an end to illegal immigration and a much smaller state. On the war many were told it was patriotic etc and are the sort who defend the troops. But even on that some are coming round slowly.

I keep an eye on the free republic message boards and there are now more and more people saying they support Ron since he's the only conservative. Some say they disagree on the war but will swallow it because every other GOP candidate is infected with socialist thinking. Others are waking up to the fact that the endless wars is really a Clinton policy.

Why are they voting for McCain? He's a war hero, the media says he's the front-runner, he says he is anti-government spending, a real conservative.

I know it's stupid but lots of people get their info from TV only.

Of course by any measure Ron is more conservative. Hence why he is putting so much into Super Tuesday.

Another thing I noticed on FR is that an amazing number of people think Ron is a liberal!! So they just won't even look at him. We need to counter this.