View Full Version : We're too smart for them, so we need to change

01-30-2008, 12:04 AM
We've hit the brick wall and accumulated all the natural, libertarianish supporters already. We need to take this campaign and grassroots effort to the next level. To do this we need to change the way we deliver the message.

We need to toss all the libertarian and philosophically rooted arguments and appeal directly to the (perceived) conservatism and practicality (and the willingness to conform and follow) of Republicans. The vast majority are guilty of buying into "with -us-or-against-us" logic, and they see parallels between libertarian arguments and the "Blame America First Crowd" and see much social laxity as evil, or at least destructive and blasphemous.

We need to repackage the message focusing on pointing out the practical faults of
the status quo and highlighting Ron Paul's brilliant solutions.

1) We can't and won't change (most of) their (R's) minds on the war. Instead we make them see how it's fucking the economy. Ron Paul does this, but we're more likely to argue head on. That's a losing game.

2) Patriot act - this is a non-issue to the herd. Remember, they want to believe they're protected (from anything) and the state puts a lot of effort into creating the illusion that it has the solutions.

I could go on. This is just an attempt to improve our chances with bible-thumpers and flag-wavers. They should be voting for Ron Paul and they thing he's nuts.

01-30-2008, 12:24 AM

01-30-2008, 12:36 AM

THE KISS Principle must now be instituted. I think you make an excellent point. Most of the people that are interested in and can understand at least somewhat the links between economics, foreign policy, etc. already do support Ron. There are many people that won't bother to look into that kind of stuff not to mention utilize other resources for their information.

I keep telling some supporters in my local area that to keep talking about the CFR and NWO and stuff will only drive people away. Ron knows about that stuff, there is a reason he is not talking about it very much - it's too hard for the average American to accept and the bottom line is that to have them hear us we must speak to those few simple things that they can directly relate to in terms that they can understand. Sure fear works but they have to understand what they are afraid of. Why the war mongering works so well, it's easy to understand you should be afraid of millions of crazy Islamics that want to blow you up! Not that I think that fear is a worthy motivator but it obviously works very well.