View Full Version : The Iowa Coordinator Meetup Has Been Set Up

08-04-2007, 01:40 PM
John Kerr and I have established an Umbrella Meetup for all the Iowa Meetup Groups so we can more easily communicate and coordinate our activities. It will have a state calender so anyone can see the important events going on around Iowa. THIS IS ESSENTIAL TO DO BEFORE THE STRAWVOTE AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANT FOR THE CAUCUSES IN JANUARY. :)

IF you are an Iowa Meetup Coordinator or Asst. Coordinator, you can sign up at ronpaul-420@meetup.com. Be sure to closely read the applicable file describing the Iowa Coordinator Meetup. If you are a Coordinator or Asst Coordinator in another state, you can join the Border Sattees Coalition or the National Meetup Umbrella which will link all the 50 states.;)