View Full Version : My comment on Kelly's Blogsite

08-04-2007, 01:02 PM

I just finished a 130m 5 day walk around Oahu to raise awareness of Dr. Paul bid to help restore integrity to our great country.

I wonder if Vic knows that people said the same things about Reagan, or that Clinton was polling low at first.

And given the establishments fear of losing their cash cow (war), it is no wonder reports are biased and skewed.

Methinks people like Vic are in for a pleasent surprise


edit- kinda wish I had looked at my poor spelling...


08-04-2007, 01:12 PM
I wounder how Kelly is doing on her 38 mile walk today.

08-04-2007, 01:43 PM
Yeah, I've been searching for info. It's a heck of a long walk in hilly country. But for sure, the purpose will give her strength

08-04-2007, 01:47 PM
Wow, that Vick is rather ignorant and I sincerly hope that the primaries are not dominated by people who think like that. Why should candidates even bother announcing their positions if all that matters is how popular they are? It doesn't matter whether or not he supports RP, what bothers me is what his first post said about polling numbers and since RP's polling numbers are low, then Kelly is wasting her time. Polling numbers are supposed to be a representation of how a candidate is doing in getting their message out and whether or not there is enough support for their message, not a way to base your vote.

08-04-2007, 02:53 PM
god what a friggin douche bag... heres my comment (per approval)

I dont think anyone was assuming you were doing one thing or another vic, I think it was assumed by all that you were chastizing kelly for doing such a strenuous activity for a candidate who is low in the polls... let me ask you, what do the polls mean?

over 60% of Ron Pauls supporters have never voted as a republican before and over 30% have never voted at all. Most national polls call between 300-600 registered voters, mainly whom have voted in the last election and ANY GOP poll calls this same number range of past republican voters.

Not only that but I do not know one person who owns a land line that isn't primarily a fax or computer line.

so how are normal average americans, especially those who support Ron Paul supposed to be polled?

I do not know any RP supporters that have been called in a poll, and I am in contact in Emails and forums with several hundred supporters a day.

So maybe it shouldn't matter how a candidate is doing in the polls to convince a person that they are a viable or a good candidate to vote for

I think you should do some research and see for yourself how strong the grassroots support for Paul is and get in the loop.

GO KELLY WE SUPPORT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! and we will be walking from Tulsa to Oklahoma City in november!!!